Do you remember?

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The end.
They thought it was the end. Trigon had came swearing to destroy us all. It was the end..

Raven gave up before she had the chance to try. This was the first time I've ever seen Raven that way. She was all broken up; she would sacrifice herself for us. She was scared for us all because she thought it was nothing we could do. I had hope.  We was going to live through this . We're going to defeat him.
He wasn't going to conquer our world.

She was at a state where she was the  purest. A child with no power but that's when she's the strongest. I believed in her. I couldn't leave her. She was usually the one speaking with high hope but now that was all gone. At that moment she was doubtful and scared. It seemed Trigon had won. I had enough hope for the both of us then.

Things do turn around. She gave us each a little of her power, and we stood together to take  down trigon.

Raven was this beautiful spirit that visits my dreams sometimes. Her long purple hair was at least wait length and her eyes gleamed. Her normal purple cloak was now white.  Everything white.

...Then she wrapped her arms  around my neck and whispered " Thanks for not giving up on me." Those words will live in my head forever. My arms snaked around her waist in seconds. Embracing her. I think that's the closest Zwe've ever been. I wish it was like that now. She doesnt even want to be with me more than ten minutes.  I don't know what I did.
I just don't know.

Later the day.

"Raven can I talk to you?" I asked. Star glanced over at me then back at the TV. She sat besides speedy. Aqualad and cyborg sat beside raven. "Sure."Raven stood up and walked over to me. Her expression the same as ever. Neutral.

I walked out where we were before. I took out near the window, the same window we talked at some time ago. "Are you okay? What's wrong?"Raven asked.

"Raven do you remember that day."

She raised an eyebrow. "What day are you referring too?"

"That day when Trigon almost conquered the world.-"

"How can I forget,Robin, you know you saved our lives. I can never Forget that." She says.

"Raven I umm.."I got cut off by her eyes. They was looking at me with this curious expression. "Nevermind.  Raven it's nothing. "I said instead.

"Uhh you sure?"she asked." Yeah"

"Okay?"she gave off that unsure look and walked away. I couldn't go through with it. Not yet.


I sat down on my bed and took off my hood. I wasn't trying to remember that day. My heart raced a bit.

There was a knock at my door.

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