Spotless Mind.

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I heard a small knock at my door. I put my brush down and waited for a moment. I wonder who that can be? One of my dear friends.

"Come in." I sang happily. I continued to brush my hair in the mirror as the visitor opened my room door."Uhh.. Star can we talk?" I whipped around seeing Robin standing a couple feet away from me.

I looked down and sighed. I put down my brush and checked my hair in the mirror again. He seemed nervous. I had forgiven Robin for the things he said a long time ago.

I went over to him and sat by him on the bed. His masked eyes watched me cautiously. "Friend Robin what would you like to talk about? "I asked with a smile on my face.

He looks away from me. I think he's trying to avoid eye contact but why. I grabbed his green gloved hand and smiled. "Robin feel free to tell me anything no need to feel nervous. "I assured him. That makes him face me and smile.

" Starfire I'm sorry about how I've been treating you. I've been such a jerk and you don't deserve that. Star you are the brightest girl I know. You bring joy even when there's pain. You always see the good in things. You are a true friend."he tells me. His compliments are very kind. They make me feel warn inside.

I smiled wide and pulled him into a hug." You are the kindest friend I have! I forgive you Robin. I respect your decision ,we're better off as friends. "I said as I held on to his warm hug.

"I just don't feel it's the right time for us ,maybe we should mature more then maybe we could be more than friends."

I nodded happily. "That sounds most wonderful robin."

He finally smiles. " Are you hungry? We can go get some food if you like." He stands up with his hand out for me to take. I nodded. "That sounds great friend."I giggled as I took his hand.

Robin my love for you is very complicated and I wish to explore it,but I respect your wishes. Loving you was nice,but it's a new season. Something needs to change. I've been sad inside. Maybe I should close this chapter of my life for the greater good. I have to let you go. Why hold on to what you have to let go of? Goodbye Robin.❤

He stops and looks at me. "Are you okay?"he asked with a smirk. I nod again before smiling. " I am the okay Robin."

I take in a deep breath and exhale heavenly. Stepping outside towards a different future. The skies seems just a little more blue than before. The birds chirping and ocean swayed. What a beautiful day.

The Tower: Teen Titans.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz