Devilish Smile: Part One.

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A couple hours later.

It appeared that raven had vanished from the face of the earth. We can't find her anywhere. Raven doesn't understand how scared she makes us when she leaves with out telling us.

I sat with my legs dangling off the cliff. The ocean was alive tonight. A cool breeze swept over me as I watched the moon. The bright star's twinkled.

I ran my fingers through my jet black hair ,sighing at the events of today. Raven is making me confused all over again. I feel useless knowing something is going on with her and I can't do nothing about it. I want to help her.

How can you help someone who doesn't want help?

Aqualad tried to save her from slade but that was supposed to be me. I wanted to save her. That's my job.

I was starting to get angry all over again from that picture. He can't love her.

I know Raven may come off as emotionless but she feels more than she'll ever know. I know she's scared to love anyone but it's worth a try. She doesnt have to listen to what everyone has to say. She's just what I need in my life. She doesnt show much affection but who wants a clingy women? She's fine just the way she is. My love. Yet she will never know these feelings. Ever.



I hate myself.

Why do I have to be this. Why can't I control my emotions? Why can't I be normal? I don't think nobody knows how it feels to be looked at as a evil demon. To be judged prematurely.

They don't understand. I can never feel what they feel. I was born with everything else but that. I want to fall in love and be happy. I want to laugh or feel sad. I want all that but it's impossible. One wrong move and I could destroy this whole town. One wrong comment and I could lose someone's trust forever.

It gets lonely here. Not being able to do what others do. I guess that's how life is supposed to go. I would give up all my powers just be a normal girl. I wish it was that easy.


I would fly back but I'm in no rush. The rain poured down on my cloak as I walked. The streets were full of cars and trucks. People ran with umbrellas hanging over their heads. They must have somewhere to go.

The skies began to darken more as the time passed. Soon I was in the outskirts of the city. Rain still poured down horizontally. Across the the the roaring blue water I seen the titans tower. My home.

I sat at the end of the dock and I closed my eyes,letting all my worries escape my mind. I didnt mean to hurt anyone. I'm a monster.

Yes you are raven...

Trigon is getting stronger but why now? What has caused him to have a boost of energy?

Dear Daughter , you have not killed me ,you have only sent me back to my origin. Your powers are becoming stronger, just as I intended, when I come back I shall live through you. You are the host in which I am taking part of. This time I will not be sent back. Earth is mine!

His voice thundered in my head ,leaving sudden echos.

Why can't you just leave me be?

You serve me dearest daughter.

I wish they would have killed me when I was born. Arella should have slaughtered me.

If you were dead who would you meet the titans and your lover,Robin?

Robin isn't my lover! I can not love or take love...I think you made that quite clear.

You are wrong. If you joined me raven, you would learn how to conquer your powers and be a powerful demon! I could help you. ..

I don't want any of your help! If a life without love would help keep people safe then I'll take it.

You sicken me daughter... you have a heart of a human,just like your weak mother! "He began yelling and screams from demons rang in my ears. I felt the screams ripping my eardrums apart. I couldn't take it! Demons were starting leak from my skin, causing a black mist to ease. "Azarath metrion zenthos! "I shouted ,using my energy to suck them all back inside. Rage was consuming me.

I tried to find my peaceful place but it was being consumed by darkness and rage. My body began lighting up a red color just as it did before when my father was coming.

Raven I'm coming. You can't stop me. I will start hell on earth.

Rage was eating at my flesh it seemed like. Demons from all over had surrounded me with there evil eyes and dark auras. I felt like my body was being ripped out of me,my skin felt like it was snatched off. I screamed in excruciating  pain. A shriek echoed. A darker version of me had stood in front of me wearing a cleaver smirk. She reminded me of my father. Antlers sticking out of her head, four of its eyes yellow, skin a blood red color. Her hair was long and white ,a spitting image of my father. I'm starting to think it is him.I was taken back at what was happening.

This can't be happening.

"Don't worry raven. I will make sure each of your lovers know how you truly feel."

In a instance, her hand pulled me inside of her, getting sucked into this empty world of hell. It reminded me of a graveyard of demons. They began inching towards me with death in their eyes. Nothing but darkness..

I am Rage.

*author's note: Please vote and comment below. I love hearing you guise thoughts.

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