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Sooo I'm really really sorry for taking ages to update! I just started senior year and this week has been stressful. My sleeping schedule is all messed up! Lol but forgive me for ranting! Here it is


"Make up your mind Raven. Who do you want? Aqualad or Robin?"

"You can't make me choose!"

"Can I not?"She snickered, "if I kill aqualad you'll feel guilty sad, broken? Hmmm, but If I kill Robin, you'll feel dead? ...You are complicated."Rage said. She nods slowly taking this all in.

"Can you just leave our home Planet alone? Just take me and leave."she pleaded.

"You sicken me Raven. They should have killed you; you're weak!"Rage scolded.

"Rage stop this now!" A familiar voice rang through Rage's ears. Raven perked up and smiled. She knew exactly who it was ,but how?

"Arella ,glad you could join us on this lovely evening "Rage stood up from her arc and began walking towards arella. She was more disgusted than enlightened.

"What have you done?"arella gasped ,looking around at the damage she caused. She couldn't believe that trigon gotten control of her;she was stronger than that. "Raven you can fight this. You can beat her. With you ,she's nothing "

Rage winced. Her words cut like razors. "You are a uninvited guest. Now leave before I destroy you, puny human!" Rage shouted,charging at her in well rage.. She wrapped her hands around arella's neck and began squeezing, intending on killing her.
"You ...are..weak ..rage."Arella spat. Rage grew angry with her comments. She nearly killed arella until Danny Chase came."Put her down Rage!" Rage ignored him and tighten her grip.

Rage was struck by Danny in the back. It started to spill out dark blood, and her grip loosened from around arella's neck. Arella quickly jabbed Rage's face as Danny helped her up. Rage fell to the ground, deeply breathing and hurt. She was on her hands and knees ,coughing up blood.

"Okay I've had enough of this " she pushed herself up from the ground and whipped around. Her wound still bleeding heavily. Danny stood beside Arella with confidence. He was not scared of this little hybrid. Somehow it was taking longer for Rage to heal herself.

Rage paused, touching her gash with her fingers. Blood painted her hands as she stared down at them confused. "This dagger I used will cause you to heal slower. "Danny smirked.

Rage stood straight up from her hunched over position, fighting the pain, and raised her finger,pointing it at danny." Azarath metrion zenthos! " she yelled, hitting them both with a brick from above, giving her enough time to escape.

"I am... stronger than you... rage."Raven growled.

Rage teleported to the tower,where she could find something in raven's room to heal the wound. Rage crawled to the book shelf and grabbed the first book. "Fuck this." She touched the book and quickly absorbed the book's information.

"Fucking prick got me good."she muttered,blood dripping down her spine,staining the rug,and causing a puddle.


"It's amazing that you and your pathetic team keep trying to fight the inevitable. "Slade spat. Robin turned on his heel, only to be kicked back a few feet. His face stung red from the kick off Slade's steel toed boot. Robin shook it off and raised his fist.

"You again? I thought you ran off and disappeared. " Robin retorted as he held his staff close to him. "I never actually left. Just waited until the time was right."Slade said.

"So you thought the end will be better? "Robin charged. He wanted to be finished with slade for good. His nights of worrying would be over. Slade smirked and charged for him as well.

Both of them clashing, punches was being thrown in unison. They moved like they were as one. For awhile Robin grew angry with this and did a new move. He punched Slade's metal mask and quickly managed to throw out two smoke bombs. Gray smoke surrounded slade as he stood ground. "Smart. Very smart Robin "Slade said.

Robin threw in a surprise kick sending Slade falling forward. Robin continued with blow after blow, slade didn't back down. Slade grabbed robin's leg, as he was attempting to kick him , then threw him into something hard. The smoke began to clear up more.

It grew silent..until Boy wonder attempted to punch slade in the head, luckily, Slade dodged him with ease."You have to do better than that."he shouted, grabbing a falling Robin and punching him in the face multiple times. Blood began to trickle from robin's busted lip.

Cyborg blasted slade with his mechanical arm ,sending both of them flying. Slade and Robin dropped to the ground brutally taking all the inpact. Cyborg ran over to Robin to see if he was okay. Slade laid still on his stomach. Robin rolled over on his back and coughed. Cyborg smiled."I thought I got you too"

Robin nodded."thanks," Cyborg helped Robin get on to his feet."The others are okay? "Robin pulled away from his grasp. Cyborg nodded."still putting on a fight against Rage's army."

Robin shook his head ."We'll never get anywhere. Rage's army is invincible!" The words echoed for a second. "That's right Robin, and so is she. I suggest you go into hiding " Slade chuckled.

"You again. Haven't you had enough,I guess you just like coming back to an ass whoopin."Cyborg shouted. Robin glared over at slade while  Slade continued to chuckle as they stood guard.

This was insulting their ability right now.

Starfire painfully pushed herself up from the blood painted ground and onto her two feet. She was beaten almost to a pulp.

She was determined to fight til the end. These demons wasn't going to take her out,and she most certainly not going to just give up.

"Star watch out!"

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