Haunt Me.

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Narrator's View.

Raven trembled as the heavy cold rain drenched her entire body. The skies was dark and the clouds hung low. Thunder rumbled the city as the lighten shocked a nearby tree. The tree fell causing a loud thud to be heard by several neighbors. Raven shuddered more as a cool breeze blew in.

"You are all alone..just as I promised."Slade's voice haunted Raven's thoughts.

Her fresh wounds was oozing in blood. A puddle of scarlet blood began to mix with the rain. She laid with her arms crossed and ankles crossed. Her eyes stung shut from the excruciating pain welling up inside.

Slade hovered over her with a devious smirk. He looked as if he succeeded in his plan. Raven Slowly Turned On Her Back and Stared Back At Slade With Dead eyes. She didn't have enough energy to speak. She was losing more and more blood by the minute.

"You will work for me little demon." Slade promised. He bent down and wrapped his black gloved fingers around raven's petite neck. He forcefully squeezed tight and pulled her up so she's dangling in the air. He held her high over his head.

"Raven this is what you was born for. You are mine now. You have no one!"He shouted and squeezed a bit more. She only watched with her mouth slowly gaping open. Slade then did a quick blow to the head which caused her to pass out instantly. Her body grew weak.

He swung her over his broad shoulder and took her away. "Together raven we could take on the world. They will fear us, that of course mean that you have to do what I say..."


I awakened in fright. My body was soaked with sweat. My purple hair stuck to parts of my face. I looked around my room to see nothing but darkness. My heart beat began to thump faster and faster.



I walked into the kitchen to find that it was empty. I must be the first one up. Hmm. I shrugged it off and went over to the cabinet to get my tea. I wonder what's the time. Robin usually wakes up after me? The tower seems empty.

I started up the tea and went over to the fridge. Last bit of orange juice, lucky me. I retrieved a cup and poured the rest into it. I grabbed some cereal as well along with milk.


Where's everyone? I searched the whole tower but it's no one here. It seems as if they just up and left. Something doesn't seem right here?

Maybe they went into town.

The town was a mess. It looks as if we went to war? Smoke came from a near by building and seemed as if it's been hit. Buildings looks as if they were all destroyed and nothing was left but a pile of bricks. Slade's drones filled the streets of jump city. No civilians to be found.

What's going on? I flew closer to get a better view. Crime was off the charts and nobody could stop it. Where's the teen titans? Papers and news stands were scattered all across the streets. Each paper had the different stuff written on them.

"Teen Titans betrayed by their team member!" My eyes grew big and I couldn't hardly believe what I was reading . I would never. I snatched another from the ground and read the headlines.

"Former Teen Titan member terrorizes the  city! "
My face plastered on them all. This just can't be right! That's not me! I wanted to scream but Nothing came out. This was all my fault.

"Your friends are dead" Slade spat with venom in his voice.

"What did you do slade! Where's my friends! I swear if you hurt them I wi-"

"You don't remember raven? You killed the teen titans. You hate the teen tians.."

My world was crashing down. Nothing was making sense. This can't be happening. "Your wrong. I would nerve hurt them!"I shouted.

"There gone thanks to you. You grew up to be just like your father raven.."he teased.

"no! I didn't kill them you're lying! Get out of my head ! You're lying!"I fell down and crying and curling into a ball. I would never hurt my friends. "Just leave me alone! Leave me alone!"I repeated over and over.

"Raven wake up!" Robins voice was the first thing I heard when I opened my eyes. I was glad to see him. He was worried. "Are you alright? What's going on with you?"He asked as he stood over me.

I shook my head and sat up from my bed. It must have been a really bad dream." I just had a bad dream. It's nothing"

"You were shouting and Slade's name kept coming up? What happened "He asked anxiously.

I should tell him but I can't. "It's just a recap of what happened before nothing serious Robin I'm fine..."

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