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She's not going to kill me. It's something wrong with this girl! Wasn't she just on our side? Why isn't Robin seeing her as a enemy. I'm not going to die this way. This witch has to die.

I powered up and began using my power to shoot fire from my mouth. It burned her face causing her to drop us fifty feet in the air. Out of no where Starfire swooped in and caught us. "Hello friends."

"Thanks Star."Robin and I said in unison. She just smiled and lowered us to the ground. "What's happening with Raven ,Robin? "She asked with freight in her eyes. She didn't want to see her friend like that but it is what it is. She's gone crazy.

"That's not raven,Star " Robin said. "What do you mean? Who it is then?"she asked.

"I know one thing, I'm not going to sit around and watch her destroy the city or us!" I said as I began charging towards her.She was busy fighting beast boy and Cyborg, which gives me a perfect opportunity to strike.

I started to brace myself,using all the fire power I had. My hands straight out in front of me as I began shooting out fire. They hit her ,causing her to turn my way. Cyborg hit her with his sonic boom ,causing her to fall into the ocean.

"You guys okay? "I asked ,beastie and Cy nodded. "I hope I didn't hurt her too bad " Cy said feeling a little guilty. "Dude luckily you knocked her out " I said.

We went back over to Robin and Star. Speedy was passed out on the ground because of the manipulation raven had over him. He was all bruised up and bleeding. "Where'd she go?"Robin asked looking up and around.

"She fell " I said.


They thought raven or shall I say ,Rage was defeated but she wasn't. She was creating chaos. The demon was doing just as it planned to do. Rage had aqualad by her side. She managed to get him close enough to control him completely.

Rage and Aqualad headed towards the city where they could cause more trouble for the teen titans to stop. Aqualad was blinded by love which made the spell work even more.

Rage's power was growing and less and less of raven was left. Raven was dying inside of rage. Trigon was growing more powerful and soon he would be able to return.

~meanwhile at the tower.

"Where's aqualad? "Asked a curious Starfire. Nobody had noticed that he was gone until now."He could be anywhere."Cy said.

"I seen him leaving out to sea. He said he had to pay some friends a visit."Bumblebee said,she wasn't quite sure though. Maybe aqualad had ca
Come back to the tower after all.

Robin was still in a state of shock. Everyone left him alone to think. Robin was going through the motions; he didn't know what to do. Or what was the right thing to do.

"Raven could have killed us."Hotspot blurted ,he was holding in his thoughts since he arrived. Everyone looked up at him in agreement. They didn't want to upset Robin by giving their output. Speedy look around, realizing no one was going to say anything , then slammed his fist on the table.

"We got our asses kicked by our own teammate. She put some kind of voodoo bullshit on me.."he sighed looking over at Star,"Star I could have seriously hurt you. I'm wasn't me at the time."He explained. Starfire smiled over at him."It's okay friend, I'm fine." They shared a loving moment before Robin realized their connection. For someone reason he was a bit jealous. Why?

He glared at speedy ,who was unknowingly smiling at star. "Raven could have killed us but did she? Speedy Star can take care of herself. "He snapped. Everyone remained silent.

"I was just saying that-"

Robin stood up from his chair and walked over to the group." Raven, or who the hell she is right now ,is probably headed for town. We're not just going to sit here with our thumb in out asses! She is our friend but if innocent lives get hurt ,we have to do justice the best way possible. We have to fight to win not kill. We will not kill raven."he spoke with such powerful. He knew how to get people's attention.

They all nodded in agreement but Hotspot."What if Winning is killing her?" He was not over her almost killing him. He felt belittled and less of a man. He felt out of control. Robin glared at him." We're not killing Raven. Get it ?"he snapped with venom dripping from his voice.

Hotspot glared back at him and finally nodded. "Any other questions? Okay good."he scowled walked away for second. "Titans GO!"

Rage sat down at the top of a burning building watching the city go up in flames. Civilians scattered in freight. Rage you don't really want to do this. Please stop this!

Rage ignored Raven and continued to stare our at her chaos. She smiled to herself in amusement. What's the fun of hurting people rage? Raven continued to try to stop this havoc. Rage was trying to push raven away.

Raven soon you will be powerful. Oh how I can't wait!

She looked down at the city ,scanning and looking for more people to terrorize. "They Will not leave. I want them to stay and watch their city die."she rants on as she eyes the city's bridge. "Tear down the bridge."she hissed,not even making eye contact with aqualad.

"They cannot escape death. "She mumbled. Aqualad does as she says and heads out towards the bridge. She didn't care if the bridge was Jammed packed with cars. They had to die. Rage was far from saving. Her hatred was too strong.

Why don't you leave him alone? He doesn't need to be here.

Rage rolled her eyes. You again? Can you take a nap or something?

The city was being burned alive by one little demon. People screamed in terror as they attempted to escape from the burning buildings. The fire trucks couldn't even stop the fire,it was everlasting.

Rage's smiled grew even larger as some couldn't make it out. Their screams were music to her ears. She made the fire grow. "This is amusing to you Raven?"Robin asked in disbelief. Rage shrugged ,not looking but with her back to him. She was well aware of their arrival a long time ago.

"Raven is long gone Robin."she said,"oops, I forgot to tell you." She faked sympathy. "Who are you and Where's raven? "His voice was ice cold and full of anger.

"I am Rage."she smirked," It seems like you didn't hear me clearly.. boy Blunder, Raven is dead. "

Robin didn't believe her, raven couldn't be dead. He could still feel her." You're lying " he charged towards her ,attempting to grab her and pull but she vanished. He nearly fell forward but balanced himself."Fiesty aren't we ,Robin?"She appeared behind with ease.

He turned on his heel and took out his staff." We both know how this will end " she yelled as her eyes doubled and brighten to a red. "Yes we do."he replied, charging at her again and landing a good hit on her,"it will end with you dying!"

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