"I Love You."

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I try to make her remember but it's like she doesn't want to. She doesnt want to remember any of it. A smile voice inside of me says that she remembers. Why won't she let me help her?

Now she won't even look at me. It's hard because all the memories are still invested in me. The feelings are too strong to just forget so how can she forget like that?

Terra and I went through a lot with each other. I always believed she could do great things even when she didn't. She was a star, burning hot and bright. I love you terra. I wish you could remember how you felt about me too.

Memories of Terra and I kept replaying in my head. Her laugh is like the sweetest melody. I use to always make her smile. She was like my missing puzzle piece. I wish she was here; she would have the right things to say. She would make me smile all the time too. Terra please come back.

"Things change"

Terra doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. She doesnt want me anymore. She doesn't remember or doesn't want to remember. I guess it's time to move on. I have too.

I honestly think that Beast boy is taking this harder than I expected. He's been cooped up in his room every since the visit to Terra's school. He haven't been the same since. I'm afraid that he might be turning into a mini raven. When he does come out of that room of his, he's always gloomy and mad at the world. I don't like seeing him like that.

" Beast boy,are you okay?" Bumblebee asked.

He nods." Happier than ever." He tried to force a smile but it just came out as pathetic. I got up from the couch and wrapped my arm around his shoulders. " Beast boy, it's going to be alright. We will help you get over her man. Don't stress about it beastie"I said.

He just nods and removes himself from my grasp. Hmm touchy." Hey , You wanna play some video games?"I asked while sprinting towards the couch and jumping on it. I started the game up ,waiting for Beast boy's arrival. "Hey bro ,you coming?"

"Sorry dude. I just not I the mood to play videogames."he said. With that he walked down the hall towards his room. I gave Bumblebee a tired look and sighed. "The little dude's all tore up"


What Raven told me was right. Things Change and I need to move on. Terra's long gone. I guess this will be the last of me saying this but I loved you Terra.

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