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Next Evening.
Jump City.

"Why aren't you with speedy?"

He smiles and shrugs. " He was busy?" I raised an eyebrow. This can't be true." Too busy for his best friend?" I continued smirking until he gave in. " okay maybe he wasn't, but I wanted to see you. So how are you?"

"Aren't Y'all like glued to one another? "I said," I've been the same as before, and you?"

He let out a soft chuckle. "Well I'm just fine now. And me and speedy don't be together that often." I shook my head lightly." If you say so fishboy."I replied.

"Your green friend doesn't care for me much."He commented.

I looked up and shrugged. " Why would you assume that?"I asked. He smiles." Well for starters, he always think I'm trying to steal his girl. Plus, he gives me these dirty looks."

"That's beast boy for ya. Quite the character. He has this crazy idea that I'm his girl."I said while rolling my eyes." Over active imagination. " He said causing me to laugh." Right."

"I can't blame him though,"he stops smiling and looks at me with the most serious look I've ever seen from him, "You are irresistible Raven."


"Raven, I want you to hear this."He says. I close my mouth and listen."You hide all that  personality under that cloak of yours. You're scared of letting your feelings show. I understand that. People like you tend to think more and say less."he tells me." But I can see under all those lies."

It was silence after that. I think he made it awkward for the both of us. His comments was something to think about. "Wanna get Pizza or ice cream?"he asked ,looking down at me with those midnight eyes. I nod.

"Pizza wouldn't hurt."


Beast Boy.

" Terra, I know you don't remember me but we were were..well" she backs away and starts to turn around to go."-Terra wait! " I grabbed her arm but soon regretted it. " Hey ! Hands off."she yelled.

I back up a bit and raised my hands in surrender. " Can you just give me a chance to show you. Come to the tower with me Terra."

Her expression soften but she was still hesitant. " ..beast boy I have to go to school, alright?"She hugs her books and walks into the school yard. I just watched. My heart hanging from string, And she has it up on a kite high, hitting every tree possible.

It's impossible for me to hate her, even though,once she had much hate for me.

"See ya Terra."

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