.Devil's Whispers

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"You better hide from the devil."

Words cant explain the dream that I dreamt. I can not begin to explain because I have yet to understand it completely. My body is drenching in sweat and my heart beat is rising. I'm not sure why but I can feel Robin an the other approaching. Their worried about me.

My door opens revealing Robin, BeastBoy, Aqualad and Speedy. " Knock on my door."I spat and pushed up from my bed. Robin had his staff out ready to kick some ass. He was examining my room. "I'm fine just a bad dream."I assure as I walked towards my door.

Robin watched me intensely. "Really I'm fine."I said. "Well we heard you scream and we thought it was Slade trying to attack."Aqualad said.

"Yeah Rae, you had us scared."BeastBoy said.

"Well ,it seems like she's fine. Good night Guys."Speedy waved as he headed down the dark hall. I wish they would do the same.

"Yeah , I'm fine for the third time." I snapped. I was three seconds away from slamming my door in their faces. " Raven, sleep well ,okay?" Aqualad said before walking away with Beastboy.

Robin stayed. I'm not sure why but it was bugging me. "It's something you're not telling me."Robin said. "Robin it's nothing."

"Nothing is something Raven. Why did Slade come after you? It had to be a reason. "He interogates me more. "Who doesn't he come after Robin? "

" Nothing is adding up!" He agrily mutters to himself. If I tell Robin he would probably spend the rest of his days hunting slade down. He would defiantly be with me twenty four seven. He wouldn't want his precious raven to get hurt. I can defend my self ,I'm not Star.

"It's nothing. Just go to sleep Robin."It's replied with a quieter voice. He hesitates."Raven..you forget that we are friends. You can always talk to me, we are suppose to help ease any pain that you feel. That's what friends are for."

I stare at him for a moment. "And you always forget that I'm Raven and I don't have many emotions except rage. I thrive on the emotions of others and only that."I replied.

"Raven you-"

"Please robin, I don't need your speech about me being able to change my fate. Trigon is still living inside me and until he's dead ,I will never be able to feel anything. I will never live a normal life. I.. will never love.I will never be at peace and I'm starting to accept that and you should as well."I shouted, slowly realizing what I said.

"Go to sleep."


Andre LeBlanc

It seem that crimes are happening more frequently than ever. I wonder what's the occasion.

He of course attempted to escape when he seen us arrive. Robin sprinted towards him and smacked him with his metal staff. We all joined in simultaneously. Star began to power up and shoot out her bolts. Beast boy turned into a gorilla and basically went to pound the man to death. Andre LeBlanc used his explosive to try to make a run for it. Beast boy tramples back along with Starfire. I ran after him ,focusing my energy in picking up the car and throwing it in his direction.

"You can't catch me! I'm the Andre LeBlanc!"He boast. He was always a arrogant guy. He jumps over it ,so I try it again with a blue mail box. He throws another bomb to my direction. I went flying high, brutally hitting a light post. I groaned and got up slowly. Well that hurt.

The Tower: Teen Titans.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt