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"Robin I..."

She was nervous, but why? We been friends forever. I don't think there's anything to be nervous about? I raised an eyebrow, looking at her  with the same worried look as before.

She stares at the ground a little more and hugs herself. "Robin I have the feelings for you. I May be in love you."she says carefully. I wasn't sure what to say.


She finally looks at me with those big eyes. Their watery and innocent. I can't hurt her like that. Everything that I thought I was going to say just vanished from my thought.

At this moment I'm not sure what will hurt her feelings so I better choose carefully. I looked at her kindly. "I  Feel it too, but Starfire, I don't want to risk our friendship. What we have now is a good thing. I don't wanna lose that. Besides, I don't have any room for love. Especially now that we have Slade on the loose.My first priority is fighting crime." I said.

She does a quick nod and drops her head to the floor."I understand friend Robin, understand it all." She runs out my room with her eyes pouring tears. I wanted to comfort her but I couldn't be the one to do that. Now that I know she likes me in a different way ,I can't make it anymore awkward for us.

Later that night.

I seen her again that night. Raven that is... She was sitting out by the water alone. This was the best time to talk to her and see if she's okay. I marched right over to her and sat close beside her. She looked over at me. "Hi Robin."

"Hello Raven." She looked back out at the water again. It became real quiet. "Have you been okay ?" I asked. I literally forced myself to break the silence. I had too or else I would never have the chance.

"Same as always." She replies with no emotion. Same as always. I guess nothing really changed. I put my hands on my lap and sighed. She glanced at me." I heard Starfire crying."

My eyebrows shot up. "Really?" I hope she doesn't know. I don't want her thinking that Star and I are a thing. She raised an eyebrow and nodded. " She said something about you hurting her feelings, care to explain ? You're usually the one offering the shoulder."

"I didn't mean to make her cry. She told me something that I wasn't prepared to respond too and it came out all wrong. " I explained,sighing a little. She's making me feel like an asshole.

Raven nodded. " I heard her crying from my room." She smirked, "What did you say?"

"It's a lot to repeat." I replied.

She looked back out into the ocean." Its not my business but whatever you said really hurt her. She's your best friend and at the end of the day she's always there for you."she rants on. I want Raven to be here for me. Why can't she be here?

"I see you and Aqualad have been hanging out a lot lately. "I said. This has to mean something. She shrugs. " When I see him ,we talk. Nothing serious."

I nodded. " He's not as annoying as I thought. Maybe having a bigger team is a good thing. " She stands up and begins walking back to the tower. I didn't watch her. " Robin."


"Are you coming. It's pretty late. "Raven said. I shook my head no, grabbing the pebble from the ground and throwing it out on the ocean. Raven doesn't feel the same. I know when I rescued her from Trigon that she felt something for me. Maybe I was wrong.

I guess I was just caught up in the moment.

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