||-''谦虚--- Chapter 1

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"You live rather far away, right?"

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"You live rather far away, right?"

"I guess, yeah."

Rye Haneul walked along a corridor with a man, blessed with a title, 'Manager Kim'. It was pretty boring in his opinion but what else could the Manager of done?

"Your parents must be proud of you getting in. There's already a group just waiting for debut. You'll be joining them. Bangtan Soyendan. BTS for short."

"My parents are dead. Died a year ago or something. I live with my grandmother."

Manager Kim paused in his tracks, causing Haneul who was behind him to also stop. He turned around to face Haneul with a sympathetic look in his eyes. A look where he'd see so many times after he'd tell his grandmother what had happened during school. There was a reason why there were bruises and small scratches on his arms and legs after all. "I'm sorry, kiddo. I'm sure your parents are proud of you as well as your grandmother, no matter where they are."


They started walking along the corridor again, Haneul behind the Manager's tail. "You have a slight accent. Sort of like a foreign one? Are you from America or somewhere?"

Haneul looked away sheepishly, suddenly finding his shoes interesting. "From France. I just moved like, 2 Years ago. Just stayed here after my parents died after all my grandmother is my only living relative left." He whispered quietly. A tension continued shortly after this.

"We're nearly here, don't worry,' Manager Kim said hastily, walking swiftly across the corridor, Haneul having to jog to keep up. "There's 4 members so far. You'll be the fifth. One of the members, Seokjin isn't living in the dorms so there are only 3 currently. Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok sre though. We might have more members joining soon. We spotted a boy who has a lot of talent at an audition so he might join. Jungkook or something? He's got a nice voice so we're considering him." He continued. "We're here now."

They stopped at a door that had the letters 'BTS' printed in a gold colour. Manager Kim knocked once, twice, thrice. They could hear scuffling from inside the room while the Manager scoffed slightly. "I told them to be more organised..." He sighed.

The door opened and the two were met with a tall boy smiling at them. "Ah! Manager Kim, This is the new boy, right? Another addition to our Bangtan family?"

2 other people then came round the door and crowded around it. One of them with a kind smile on his face and the other with a rather shocked expression.

"Manager Kim," he started, "How old is he? Are we having kids in the group?" He asked with genuine confusion in his eyes.

Haneul scowled by being compared to a child and Manager Kim chuckled. "This is Haneul. He's 14 and joining the group, not much older than the other boy we were thinking of accepting the other day. Jungkook's just a few months younger."

"Fourteen, huh?" The guy who opened the door mused, pinching his cheek. "Not that young."


'Right,' the Manager laughed. "This Namjoon, Seokjin and Hoseok." He said pointing to each one who smiled in response. "Yoongi's there at the back." He pointed to another slightly depressed looking boy who waved from the back. "They're going to be your new bandmates, alright? I'm going to have to go now though. Mr. Bang needs something."

Manager Kim left swiftly leaving Haneul standing by himself with 3 of his bandmembers in front of him. Haneul just stood there nervously, clutching his bag tighter as he looked around nervously.

"Right!" Namjoon exclaimed. "Come in. Hoseok, grab his bag a second and put it on his bunk."

Namjoon had grabbed Haneul by the shoulders and steered him into the room, causing him to lose his footing slightly and stumble. "Welcome to the dorm!" Namjoon exclaimed, subtly looking around. "We didn't know you'd be coming so soon. We didn't really organise a lot of stuff, so please ignore the mess."

It was obvious that they hadn't prepared at all. Clothes were hanging out of drawers that he assumed they shoved them in, The boxes in the corner of the dorm were completely full, suggesting that they had grabbed anything they could and dumped them in there and the beds were untucked. Haneul smiled at the sight and sighed in happiness. He hadn't experienced a dorm in over two years since he went to a Paris boarding school, far away from his home.

He went over to new bed which had his name on a piece of torn paper placed on it and beamed, putting down his bag beside the bed.

"You're okay with this, right?" Seokjin asked nervously. "We didn't realise that you'd come so early. It was out fault really."

Haneul only hummed, delighted before taking out his pikachu plush that he'd somehow manage to fit in his small bag. His older brother had won it for him at a carnival fair on his birthday, even when they only had a few thousand won left, Haneul could only smile softly at the reminder of his siblings who were currently at Busan with his grandma. If he wasn't going to lie, he felt homesick, already missing his grandmother scolding him, even though it often causef the whole small house to be in a pillow fight, even his grandmother with her poor strength got involved.

"We didn't know what food you'd like, we just bought some ramen from the store earlier. Yoongi hyung bought it. We're assuming that you don't have a good spice tolerance so we bought you a mild-flavoured one." Hoseok said awkwardly.

"Make yourself at home. This'll be your new home for god knows how long." Yoongi added on. "I swear you've got the best bed."

Haneul laughed at the member's awkwardness. It was obvious that they didn't know what he liked, being several years older than him. "I already have, hyung. This is like luxury."

Hoseok tilted his head. "Luxury? What do you mean by that? The dorm isn't the best."

"Well, we shared a room at home." Haneul started. "Me, grandma, my older brother and my older sisters. We had a small bathroom as well, that was it really. It was much smaller than this. The last time I was in a dorm was when I was... Maybe 9?"

The members were slightly stunned. They knew that people lived in poverty, they never knew what it was like though or how it was described to be like. Although they lived in rough settings, their home wasn't like that.

Seokjin coughed to try and clear the tension. "What was it like? At the dorms, I mean."

At the mention of his dorms, his eyes sparkled. "I went to a Parisian boarding school for a year. It was maybe 12 boys a dorm, It was so messy." He said, using his hands to exaggerate. "We would play so much stuff, like hopscotch at midnight and others! It actually reminds me of here."

To his shock, his vision was becoming blurry. "What-?"

"Ahhh, don't cry." Hoseok cried, reaching over to hug Haneul. "We're in this together. We'll be your family and family'll always be together. Okay?"

"I'm not crying!" Haneul protested but to his dismay, tears were genuinely falling down. "I... I ate onions before. That's why."

"You don't cry after eating Onions." Seokjin laughed before joining Hoseok in crushing Haneul.

"Maknae's crying?" Yoongi teased before getting up himself, making his way over to the group as well, hugging the other 3 who were squished together.

"No, he's onioning." Namjoon snorted as he also hugged them, Haneul being squashed like a pancake in the middle.

"Onioning isn't a word, Namjoon."

"Namjoon said it is, hyung. Onioning sounds like a good word, I'm using it now."

"Yoongi- I thought you were the sensible one..."


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