||-''谦虚--- Chapter 3

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(i'm really sorry for the unpublish, i swear it wasnt me 😭 a bit of Hankook in this chapter??  Haneul and Jk, platonic friendship yall)

(i'm really sorry for the unpublish, i swear it wasnt me 😭 a bit of Hankook in this chapter??  Haneul and Jk, platonic friendship yall)

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The youngest two were currently having an arguement.

"Excuse me, It was mine to begin with!"

Over a pair of headphones.

"You came into my property and you expect there's no fee? Nuh-uh. These are now mine."

"Your property my ass! It's from the company itself. You might of been here first, Haneul but it's still mine."

It had been a few months since Jungkook had joined and everything was going smoothly. Jungkook was now no longer the shy kid in the dorms, instead, a bubbly child who constantly bickered with Haneul was in his place.

Yoongi groaned, already having enough of the two's bickering and stared helplessly at Namjoon to try and get help from him who simply ignored his deadpanned look. Instead, giving a look of his own, saying 'Be a Hyung for once and sort it out'.

"Just buy another one and give these to your hyung." Haneul pouted.

"By a few months! If i was born like, 7 months earlier, you wouldn't be a hyung!"

Hoseok walked in the room at the last sentence and stared judgementally at yoongi who was in the chair in front of the two. Giving him that look. It had been twice in under a minute that he had been given that look and if Seokjin came into-

"What's going on?"

Yoongi groaned loudly and slumped into his chair before looking up at his hyung who was also staring at Yoongi with that look.

"He stole my headphones."

"He's trying to steal my new headphones."

The two said simultaneously before giving each other a glare. It was obvious who was lying right now as Jungkook looked at Haneul with an 'are you serious' look while Haneul was staring back with the same ferocity as Jungkook with a pleading look, almost as if he was begging Jungkook to stay quiet.


"Jungkook, leave Haneul alone. Haneul, take the headphones to your room and don't let Jungkook steal them back." Yoongi said with a tired expression. The faces in the room instantly changed.

Namjoon's face was with exasperation while Hoseok was trying not to laugh. Jin frowned at the cat-like man and Haneul had an expression of glee on his face and skipped away to his room. Meanwhile, Jungkook almost looked like he had a heart attack. His mouth was wide open and he was looking at Yoongi as if Yoongi had stabbed an innocent rabbit. He opened and closed his mouth repeatedly, making him look like a goldfish.

"Hyung!" Jungkook whined after he found his composure. "Those were mine and you knew-"

"I'll buy you a new pair after or something. Cheer up. Take Haneul on a walk with you or something. You two have been inside for at least a week." Yoongi shrugged.

The two had truely not been out for at least a week. They spent all their time on a new video game they had gotten and Haneul was now somehow on level 183 while Jungkook was only on level 8.

Suddenly, all rage was forgotten. A grin found it's way on Jungkook's face and he slipped on a jumper for going outside. Typical November weather. Jungkook stumbled his way to Haneul's room and there soon could be a voice heard screaming 'Hannie' and a shriek coming shortly after. Soon enough, you could hear the back door slam shut as the two of them went on a walk.

Seokjin shook his head in fondness while Yoongi slumped on the empty couch, wanting to get as much sleep as possible. They had practice tomorrow and the practice days were often so gruelling that Haneul and Jungkook could barely make it to the dorms before sleeping on the ground, having Seokjin and Namjoon drag them down to the dorm.

"I think it's a good change that Haneul has someone his age. You can see the clear difference from when they first came." Hoseok piped up, breaking the silence.

"A bad change you mean. I can barely get a night's sleep without thinking about what they could do the next day." Seokjin smirked. "Even at home I still get terrified on what they could do." His eyes softened. "Maybe it's not that bad though. They've had part of their childhood ripped apart from them especially after joining the company. I'm happy for their progress. Haneul especially. I don't think we were ever able to provide him a sense of fun like that, we're older after all."


The two boys cheerfully walked through the park. Most of the trees were bare and it was truely a sight. The wind was gently breezing, whooshing past them, giving them slight nudges which the boys sat at. Jungkook found Haneul a particularly interesting person.

An orphan, born and raised from France, Only came to Korea 2 years before. His accent was cute. He thought it made him slightly sexy even though he wasn't very tall enough to show that.



"How was school for you?"

The boy paused in his tracks, almost as if a part of him had stopped working. He put up a smile to try and hide the fact that he hated his school life now. A silence came through as the boy started to think about what to say.

"La Rochelle is beautiful." He eventually murmured. "Especially during autumn when the leaves turn golden. We would often play La Marelle and La Corde à souter. It may of seemed boring but it was fun. I went to boarding school for a year or two in Paris and it was undoubtedly the happiest years of my life." His eyes were sparkling with joy. Proving the point on how much he loved the country he called home freely.

"Le Marella and uh, La corde ah sooter?"

"Close," Haneul laughed. "La Marelle et La Corde à souter. Hopscotch and jump rope. j'adorais jouer à la marelle et sauter à la corde." He slowly corrected just in case Jungkook wanted to remember what he said. "C'est difficile à croire, mais mes parents ne me manquaient même pas parce que je m'amusais tellement. It's hard to believe, but I didn't even miss my parents because I was having so much fun."

"I can't understand." Jungkook whinned. "I'll assume that your talking nice stuff for once and not making fun of me."

Haneul wigged his eyebrows and laughed. "dit qui? Says who?"

"What about when you moved to Korea?"

Haneul's smile faded slightly as he remembered how judgemental the Korean students were. They were all calling him foreigner, loser, idiot and many other harmful words. "I'd rather not talk about that yet. Maybe when I'm more comfortable, yeah?" He said softly. Jungkook quickly agreed and the question was forgotten about.

"How was your school? Must've been different than what I had experienced since you speak Korean." There was a small tinge of jealousy hidden underneath Haneul's cheerful tone but Jungkook didn't hear it. He was too busy rambling on and on about his school experiences. The sun soon set as the two headed back to the building.

::/ we dont talk about that if jungkook was born 7 months earlier he would of been nothing but a speck.

The headphones that Haneul stole are now his favourite headphones. He wears them all the time except for at award shows, practice and concerts. He wears them at the airport, Vlives, interviews, even a music video.

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