||-''谦虚--- not a laughing matter

411 18 3

Haneul smiled widely as he listened to a fan chatting happily in front of him, holding her hand in his, shockingly being larger than his. The fan was ranting about a disney movie that he should watch, he would definately do so seeing how happy the fan was talking about it.

"I can't believe you haven't watched Lilo and stitch, Haneul." The fan pouted. "Stitch is so cute."

Haneul laughed and smiled charmingly. "I'll watch it if you watch Finding Nemo. I can't believe you haven't watched that either."

"My friends told me it was really sad, Oppa!" The fan protested. "I don't like sad movies. They make me cry."

"And I can't believe you're calling me Oppa." Haneul exclaimed. "I don't think I'm that old yet, plus, I always cry during movies as well. I don't think there's a single one where I haven't."

The girl was about to speak but a small tinking sound from a bell came through and Haneul gave a small wry smile. "I'm sorry, that's time! I hope to see you sometime again though." He said, handing back her now signed album.

The fan nodded as she made her way over to the next member in line who was Jungkook. The members were in order from oldest to youngest and beside him was Taehyung and Jungkook.

"Heyo! How are you?" Haneul cheered, taking a new fan's album.

"Rui! You're my favourite member, can I get a photo of you?"

Haneul was slightly taken back by the girl's confidence but smiled anyway. "Of course. May I get your name please?"

"Rei, I took it after you as your stage name is Rui."

Haneul was starting to grow uncomftorable about the fact that the fan was starting to act obessesively as the fan handed him a box. "I packed it myself for each of the members, I hope you like it." The box was a large purple one with his name on a heart sticky note. Once opening it, he saw a shirt the name REI imprinted on the front with his name at the back along with a teddy bear and some sweets.

"That's really sweet of you, Rei." He said, signing his name on her album. "Is there any photos that you like in the album? Maybe I could sign them too."

"Oh, yes!" Rei cheered. "The ones with you on them please. You're my biggest idol ever. I even made my bedroom look like yours."

Haneul frowned slightly as he flipped through the album. All the other members were scribbled out on their faces and only his were visible on the group photos. Once flipping to his pages, he found that some of them had hearts around his face. Hearing the comment about having her bedroom like his, his frown deepened. His real bedroom was only shown once in his live and he found it rather creepy.

Putting on a fake smile, he looked up to the fan. "Can I see your bedroom? It's the first time I'm hearing this. It's unique." He winced slightly at the word unique because it was everything but unique. It was partly stalking.

The fan fumbled around with her phone as he signed the pages quickly, wanting to get the next fan already. He was getting bad feelings about this fan.

The fan suddenly threw her phone in his face, blinking slightly, he observed her room. It was the exact same. The bed covers to the plushes at the corner to the room. He frowned at looking at the walls, the exact painting that Taehyung had gave him as a gift. He didn't remember showing that in his live. His desk was at the other side of his painting so it wouldn't be visible to the camera.

"O-oh." He finally spoke. "That's extremely detailed. You even noticed I had LED lights."

"Of course." She giggled. "I was watching that show where you showed your bedroom. I thought that it was cute and you were my idol so I decided to do that." She shrugged.

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