||-''谦虚--- eat the cheesestick

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Jin was currently on one of his eat Jin lives when he received a message

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Jin was currently on one of his eat Jin lives when he received a message.

"A message from... Taehyung. Oh goodness, what happened this time?"

Seokjin sighed As he opened up the message. "Haneul's on his way." He read aloud. He pulled a confused face. "Way to where?" He questioned before going to the fridge to put away his cheese stick. "Is he going to Mexico or what," he joked. "Would take a lot of stress off my shoulders."

The door flew open causing Jin to flinch slightly from shock, standing there was a panting Haneul. "C-Che-Cheeee-"

"You came all the way here for Cheese?" Seokjin asked with an unimpressed look. "You're supposed to be practicing your Cheography in the building, that's a good mile away."

"EXACTLY, I NEED THE- ACK." Haneul started coughing violently. "I ran all the way here from the building so hand over the cheese, Hyung."

Jin deadpanned at the camera. "This is how bad Haneul is in real life, ARMY." He laughed at the camera.

Haneul's head whipped around at the mention of ARMY. "Please, please, please, tell me where he put the Cheese and tell Tesco to sponsor me for Cheese advertisements. I got fired after my first day and I need to prove to me wrong."

Chats started flooding in as Haneul tried his best to read most of them, all of them repeating the same thing. "You got fired at this...Tesco?" Seokjin sighed.

"Worked there for a part time job once and they fired me after I tripped up on a flower bouquet, dropped a bunch of fruits, strawberries, watermelons, apples, all of them went flying, made an elderly woman trip and she broke her leg, Tesco needed to pay compensation while I got fired. It's in the fridge right?"

Seokjin was caught slightly off guard before
Slowly nodding. "Yes, don't eat too much though. You might get a sore stomach or something like that."

It was already slightly too late as Haneul had ate half of the cheese already with a blissful look on his face. "I love cheese." He gazed wondering.

"Already knew that." Jin snorted. "For our second MV, you wanted your scene to be full of cheese sculptures and stuff."

"Hey! It was etiquette or however you say that!"

"How was that respectful, Haneul," Seokjin snorted. "A block of cheese has no feeling."

Haneul gave a dramatic gasp and fell on the floor. "How dare you insult the cheese, MR. KIM. THE CHEESE HAS FEELINGS AS WELL, YOU KNOW."

"Yes, yes, take the poor cheese and go back to the building. Your break's nearly over."

Haneul stood up, quickly scampering away but not before he stole another block of cheese from the fridge. "Bye ARMY!" Haneul cheered before he went through the door. After the door was completely shut, Jin turned his head over to his camera.

"You see what I have to deal with 24/7? A grown man who has an obession with Cheese."

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