||-''谦虚--- Chapter 2

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It had been a 3 months since Haneul had joined and everything was going smoothly

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It had been a 3 months since Haneul had joined and everything was going smoothly. His vocal lessons were doing well and his korean had improved significantly, now leaving behind all traces of his accent. He may now be considered korean now but he was still a French boy by heart. Oh how he missed those bakeries he normally went to.

There was supposed to be a new boy joining the group. He was called Jungkook and a few months younger than himself. He was currently 13 while Haneul was 14. For one, he was glad that Jungkook was younger. Maybe the other members would stop babying him.

The boys waited on their bunk beds, listening for a knock on the door impatiently. All of them were curious to see who was the new member. All 4 of them were. Seokjin had gone home shortly before.

Seokjin and Haneul had a father-son relationship. He treated Haneul as if he was his own son, making sure he was protecting himself well enough, teaching him Korean, Maths, Those kinds of stuff. Even though Seokjin had a massive ego, Haneul still looked up to him, aspiring to be him.

Yoongi and Hanuel had a strange relationship. Both of them often had a silence between them but sometimes, they would be the loudest in the group, especially when bullying each other. However, the silence between them wasn't awkward, it was jusy comfortable and even a single hand squeeze let them know that they would always be there.

Hoseok was Haneul's dorm mother. Even worse than one actually. He would make sure that Haneul had eaten enough, he would check his temperature even if he coughed a little and he would make sure Haneul had to stick to his 'bed hours', being asleep by a certain time and having enough sleep. It was comical but Hoseok loved Haneul with his heart and so did Haneul.

Namjoon and Haneul were the clumsiest duo anyone had ever met. Namjoon being the god of destruction while Haneul being the god of falling. Haneul often falling off his bed while sleeping and Namjoon who would possibly break several glasses to make sure he would land safely. Both of them breaking many things.

Haneul wouldn't lie, he wanted to be a hyung badly. Even at his old schools, he was often the youngest, not getting a chance to baby the others as he was the youngest himself. He wanted to make the new boy as welcome as the others made him feel even though it was a rather messy welcome.

Then came the moment everyone waited for. 3 Knocks came on the door and everyone rushed to the door, Haneul getting there first. The door was flung open and he opened it to see the new boy and Manager Kim.

"Ah, Manager Kim, that's the new boy, Jungkook, right?" Hoseok chimmed in observing the timid boy.

"Ah, yes. He's staying in the dorms as well. Hello, Haneul. Where's Seokjin?"

"Jinnie Hyung is at home," Haneul spoke, closing his wide open mouth. The new boy was cute in his opinion. His eyes were slightly larger than average and it gave him a rather bunny look. He wore a nervous smile at his lips, trying to ignore the gaze Haneul was sending him which was rather hard considering how hard he was staring.

"Haneul! Stop gaping at the poor boy. It's like he's a zoo creature."

Haneul let out a shriek of surprise at his newly appeared Hyung at the door behind Manager Kim and the new boy.

"I thought you weren't coming home till Wednesday." Yoongi pointed out dully.

"What? Who said?"

"You literally said so." Namjoon snorted at the elders nonchalance. "You left yesterday at night and since you really didn't come today, we actually thought you left."

"Who? Thought that was you," Seokjin shrugged, glaring Namjoom fot him to shut up. "Anyway, I got some food. Come in, Jungkook. We can have a little chat about ourselves yeah? I also have to talk to Namjoon for not keeping his stupid hole shut."

"That sounds terrifying. I would want to run away as soon as you say that." Yoongi snorted, adressing the older's earlier statement, smirking lazily at Haneul who returner the smile and gave him a fistbump.

"Just leave the boy with us, Manger Kim. We'll do just fine." Smiled Namjoon reasuringly. "Until Seokjin kills me." He muttered under his breath.

Manager Kim smiled and left, letting the group rush Jungkook in the room, grab his luggage off him, place it by his bed and dump him on the sofa to ask him a bombardment of questions.

"You're tall for your age!"

"Where do you come from?"

"You do vocals right? We saw a video, you're really good!"

Poor Jungkook was getting questions thrown at him left and right, not knowing which ones to answer first.

"How tall are you?"

"Haneul!" Seokjin scolded after sitting on the sofa. "Don't bamboozle the boy with your stupid questions."

"Seokjinn," The said boy whinned. "Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi were as well, not just me. Stop critisizing me."

"Honorofics! Respect your elders. It's hyung to you."

"Yeah, respect the old man, Haneul." Yoongi teased, sending Haneul into a peal of laughter.

"I'm Haneul." Haneul brightly said, sticking out his hand for Jungkook to shake. "You were born 1997 as well, right?"

"Mhm. September the 1st" Jungkook murmured, gently and carefully taking Haneul's hand. His mother had told him to be polite to the other boys in his dorm.

"This is Yoongi, Seokjin, Namjoon and Hoseok." Haneul pointed to the respective boys who waved at Jungkook, Jungkook waved back, despite being frightened.

"Hello." He said, leaning closer to Haneul, who was close to his age and also who he had a comfort to. "I'm Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook. I'm from Busan."

"Busan? Oh, so am I! Well, technically not really, but we'll go along with it."

"He was born in France." Seokjin added to him once seeing Jungkook's confused look. "Born and raised in France."

"You know, Jungkook, I think we're gonna be great friends."

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