||-''谦虚--- Chapter 5

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The pair had stood there chatting for around 2 hours until Namjoon came back to the dorm with Hoseok

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The pair had stood there chatting for around 2 hours until Namjoon came back to the dorm with Hoseok.

"What were you thinking? We could've came back to open the door for you if you had called us!"

Haneul had received an hour long scolding by Namjoon while Hoseok just pampered Taehyung.

"You confisticated my phone, claiming that my screen time was too high."

"It was 9 hours a week average, Haneul, yet, you also do training days?"


"You waited for 1 and a half hour with that poor boy outside when he's now apart of the group."

"2 Hours actually, and the boy has a name."

"I don't care, he must've been freezing out there."

"It was roasting out there. I almost died of a heatstroke."


Namjoon sighed as he looked at the youngers face which held determination. "I don't know how I can't win an arguement with you when you're like 8 years younger than me."

"How old am I now? 9?"

Namjoon ignored him and looked at Taehyung. "How is he?"

Haneul's eyes sparkled at the mention of the boy which made Namjoon chuckle. "He's amazing! He's 15 years old, his birthday is on the 30th December, 1995, He's from Daegu which is North here, he's played the saxaphone since he was 3, He's not supposed to be here but someone convinced him to audition and his dumb friend got declined. He likes the colour purple, his favourite animal is a lion. He-"

"That's enough, Haneul-ah. I'm glad you like him. Daegu's down south though. Good try." Namjoon smiled while Haneul lowered his head down in embarrassment.

"Honestly, Taehyung's slightly cuter than Jungkook.  His deep voice is kind of scary though but still!"

The door had gotten kicked open and Haneul paused, turning around to see a mock-angry face of Jungkook. "What? Cuter than the Jeon Jungkook? You better take that back- Oh my gosh."

Jungkook's eyes landed on Taehyung as he nervously looked at Jungkook. Jungkook's mock rage eyes became soft and excited after doing a scan in Taehyung and slapped himself across hid own face causing Hoseok to lurch forward in panic.

"Jeon Jungkook? Who? Never heard of him before. I bet he's not cute at all..." Jungkook beamed, his eyes glued on Taehyung who nervously laughed, giving Seokjin an earnest look of help even though he had no idea who he was, stopping when he saw Seokjin's face.

"I'm Kim Seokjin and this is Jeon Jungkook. Basically the oldest and the youngest. I'm assuming you're Taehyung? We could hear Haneul rambling on and on about you from outside." Seokjin laughed and came forward to help him.

Taehyung's mouth fell slack open as he stared at Seokjin just like Jungkook did with him. "I met another angel..." he murmured, reaching over to touch Seokjin's neat and tidy hair. Jungkook frowned deeply and glared and Seokjin who shrugged in reponse to Jungkook's glare.

"Who's the first?" Hoseok demanded while staring at Taehyung, his eyes slightly pleading.

"Definetely not you, Hoseok," a voice came in the room. Yoongi who was still in his pyjamas and a smirk was found on his face, laughing at Hoseok's pout.

"You just woke up, Hyung?" Namjoon asked, shock showing on his face while he gestured towards Yoongi's pyjamas. "Thought you were already awake."

"No, I went to the shops in my pyjamas and found a hot date and went back home. Yes I did just wake up, Namjoon," Yoongi sassed while pouring cereal in a bowl he had just grabbed.

"That's Yoongi-hyung," Namjoon sighed. "I swear he's dead for half of the days that we have free days."

"Yoongi-hyung's just cooler than you," Haneul cheeked, sticking out his tongue at Namjoon, only to get a fake slap thrusted on his face and Haneul screeching like a seagull, scattering behind Yoongi to hide.

Yoongi groaned as he put the milk back into the fridge, Haneul sneaking behind him. "It's hard to believe that your not the youngest. You're such a bug nuisance." Yoongi teased, sending a deadpanned look towards Haneul who frowned at the older's comment.

"What is this? Bully Haneul day?" The boy asked, his voice dripping with fake dramatic sadness that made the group of boys laugh.

"I think I know for sure who my first angel is," Taehyung grinned, receiving a beam from Haneul and sulking from Hoseok.

"And Hoseok-hyung is my sunshine!"

Hoseok gasped and swung himself around the smaller, hugging him tightly for Taehyung to hug back with equal strength.

"So what am I? A roach?" Jungkook asked sarcastically to get a frown of pity from Taehyung. "Yah! I'm not that fragile!"

"Mhm. Say that to my face, your elder, respect me, Jungkook-ah!"

"There's no way you're my hyung, Taehyung-ah." Jungkook retorted, looking proud of himself.

"1995!" Taehyung argued, looking triumphant.

Jungkook's mouth fell open in disappointment as he heard Taehyung's birth year causing Haneul and Seokjin to try and cover their laughs, failing miserably.

"19... 1995? I'm a 94 liner!" Jungkook protested.


Haneul couldn't hold back his laughter this time, bursting out into a peal of laughter, this caused a domino affect when Seokjin also burst out and Hoseok and Namjoon started laughing as well. Even Yoongi cracked a smile.

"If you're 1994, Jungkook, then I'd be 1932," Namjoon laughed. "Jungkook's a 97 liner with Haneul. Haneul's just older than him by a few months. Mind you, you might want to use your 'hyung' card. It's hilarious to see Jungkook running around the dorm picking up shoes and stuff because of the Hyung card."

Jungkook pouted from being exposed in front of Taehyung and flung himself dramatically on Hoseok's bed which was right in front of him. Hoseok, Namjoon and Jungkook shared a room while Haneul currently shared with Yoongi. Seokjin still hadn't moved in yet despite all the pleads and complaints from all of them.

"Will there be another member or will Taehyung be the last? I can't wait to debut." Hoseok asked cheerfully. However, the room went rather silent. When would they debut?

"Bang Hyung said maybe 8 members so maybe one more member." Yoongi pondered, himself also being curious.

"Bang Hyung?" Haneul frowned. "Who?"

"Honestly Haneul Hyung, You've been here longer than I have yet you don't know Bang Hyung." Jungkook shook his head. "The guy who watched our auditions and selected us?"

"Oh? That was Bang Hyung? What is a Bang Hyung?"

Seokjin groaned in desperation at Haneul's dumbness while Jungkook looked depressed. "Bang Hyung's the manager or something." Yoongi answered, eating his cereal peacefully.

"Manager?" Haneul was even more confused. "We have manager Kim though."

"The BIG boss, Haneul-ah." Hoseok chuckled, one of the only people to have patience with Haneul. "He's the one to run the company."

"I run around the company as well most of the time." Poor Haneul didn't understand a thing what everyone was saying.

"The CEO, Haneul."

"The C what O?"


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