||-''謙虛--- Chapter 8

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Everything was perfect

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Everything was perfect. The group was months before officially debuting and they were excited. Way too excited.


Haneul was chasing Jungkook and Jimin around he dorms while all the other members were watching amused. Haneul had recently gotten an addiction to the ocean and marine animals, Sharks and Jellyfish being his favourite. In result, he had bought everything related to sharks. A shark onezie, shark slippers, shark duvets and shark plushes. It was amusing to see Haneul's cat stuff go to sharks, within a day, everything had been moved to his grandma's and replaced. Their reactions to that were golden.

Seokjin started yelling at Haneul for using so much of his money, Hoseok screamed once he saw a shark, not realising it was a plush, Yoongi lying peacefully on Haneul's bed, refusing to get up, Namjoon teaching Haneul about marine life, Taehyung looking at pictures of sharks with him and Jimin and Jungkook stealing his plushes. That day was one of them.


"LOSER GAVE HIS SHARK NAMES." Jungkook squealed when Haneul threw a ball at him which he narrowly missed. "ASH, ELENA, JIMMY, KYRIA, THEODORE, WHAT ELSE? ALVIN?"

Haneul stopped in his tracks and sheepishly pulled out a new shark. "Meet Alvin."

Seokjin was back on his feet within seconds, ranting about how he would give up his addictions within a week while Haneul payed no mind to his hyung yelling and started to chat with Yoongi about sharks. He was certain that Yoongi was now his favourite hyung.

Taehyung whipped out a camera and started recording suddenly while Haneul swore. Taehyung somehow had a camera on him no matter what, however, an idea came to Haneul's head. "Taehyungie? Let's point that camera at Seokjin hyung's beautiful red fuming face. Into the before debut album?"

"That'll finish the 7th album exactly then we'll have to buy a new album." Yoongi grinned while Taehyung pointed his camera at Seokjin's face. "Say cheese, Hyung!"

Seokjin huffed at the camera. "These little beasts," he mumbled.

"Love you too, hyung!" Haneul and Taehyung chanted, giving fake expressions of love, although they did love their hyung, it did no harm to bruise his ego once in a while.

"I'm not even 20 yet, give me a break." The eldest grumbled while shifting over to Namjoon. "What's that about?" He asked, pointing on his computer screen causing the Maknae's to jostle over to see what was happening.

"No...more... freedom?" Haneul questioned, reading the Hangul slowly. "What's that about?"

Jimin and Jungkook snickered at Haneul's guess while Taehyung and Namjoon smiled. "No more Dream." Namjoon corrected, smiling at Haneul's dumbfouded face.

"But- but that's- what? Isn't that freedom?"

"Nope." Jungkook said, popping the p. "Dream, Hannie hyung."

"I was so close." Haneul whinned. "What's it about?"

"Well... This is going to be our title track for our debut."

A slow but sure grin came on Yoongi's face. "Are you serious? How many more months?"

Namjoon hummed. "They're giving us maybe 5 months to practice cheography and the lyrics which isn't a lot of time but I'm sure we can do it."

"5 MONTHS-?" Haneul screeched. "PRACTICE ROOM NOW."

"YESSIR." The other maknae's yelled while they all marched towards the door.

Hoseok laughed the Maknae line. "You don't even know the cheography for this one yet. Just wait and they'll teach us."

"It's only 5 months, hyung." Jungkook whinned. "Haneul's right."

"5 months isn't enough time. We have to practice!" Taehyung pouted, his face looking squishy and adorable.

"We need to practice and learn everything," Jimin chimmed in, his face dead serious.

"If we don't practice then we'll fail debut! Just like we failed our Maths test, Taehyungie!" Haneul added, his face frowning at the reminder of his mark. "It was terrifying."

"You failed your maths test?" Yoongi asked, suddenly interested.

"Taehyungie got one mark off while I got... Erm... 42%."

Suddenly a slipper flew over the room, just missing Haneul's head. Seokjin's slipper.

"5 seconds to explain why you failed."

Yoongi grinned like a proud father towards Haneul while Seokjin had a murderous glare.

"THE TEACHER WAS TRASH- OW! GET OUT THE WAY JUNGKOOKIE, RUN TAEHYUNGIEEEEEEEERE-" Haneul ran out the dorm, screaming down the corridor with Taehyung chasing him. Both of them not wanting to face the oldest's wrath.

"I also failed my math test." Jungkook piped in, not realising the consquences. Seokjin turned his glare towards Jungkook. "Jimin-ah, please don't tell me you failed maths as well." Seokjin mumbled, hoping for the best.

"Nope. I just passed mine-"


"But I failed Korean."





𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐱- 𝐛𝐭𝐬  8𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now