15. T...this is wrong, I... I'm married, to your father

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It was another evening of the summer dinner event that the upper class frequently organized and once again I found myself present

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

It was another evening of the summer dinner event that the upper class frequently organized and once again I found myself present. Internally, I sighed in exasperation numerous times throughout the night. The dinner itself held no interest for me, but I attended solely because I knew she would be present.

She appeared absolutely gorgeous in her burgundy attire, as anticipated. Her lovely brown complexion shimmered under the gentle illumination of the venue, and despite being seated, her curvaceous and alluring physique remained impossible to not notice.

Her stunning gray eyes captured my attention instantly, shining brilliantly in the dancing candlelight. The enigmatic allure in her gaze captivated me completely, compelling me to be drawn towards her.

The presence of her naturally thick lashes magnified her already remarkable attributes, giving her the appearance of a divine being.

She sat next to Leah, exuding an air of elegance and composure in her stylish maroon dress. The attire beautifully emphasized her feminine figure, particularly her slender waist. I felt a wave of admiration wash over me the longer I looked at her.

As I navigated through the crowd, I found it impossible to divert my gaze from her. Her allure has consistently mesmerized me, and this evening was no exception. Her eyes, a shade of gray, drifted across the room until they finally locked onto mine, revealing a glimpse of longing. This sight caused a slight smile to form on my lips.

I looked at Pablo briefly, who wore a big smile on his face while attentively listening to the host's words. Pablo had invited me to this event, and I couldn't decline because the most important person to me at the party was the stunning woman wearing the burgundy dress.

Upon approaching her table, I inhaled deeply in an effort to compose myself and steady my rapid heartbeat. Our gazes locked, and I detected a concealed astonishment within her eyes, indicating she likely hadn't expected me to come.

I took a seat on the unoccupied chair beside her, and observed her gripping her thighs with her clenched fists. It appeared to be an involuntary gesture, yet it was evident that she was feeling anxious.

Her nervousness was so endearing that I couldn't resist smiling. The fragrance of lavender emanating from her filled the air, and I savored the delightful scent.

As the dinner party went on, I couldn't take my eyes off her. Her beauty and grace were unmatched, and I couldn't help but feel drawn to her like a moth to a flame.

"You look gorgeous, Belle," I leaned and whispered. Her body stiffened and her cheeks puffed with a blush.

Her eyes met mine and she whispered back, "Thank you, Alvaro. You don't look too bad yourself."

I chuckled at her cuteness and shook my head. But before our moment could continue, we were interrupted by my father, Pablo.

"What's amusing the both of you and why are you late, Alvaro?" he asked sharply, his tone laced with irritation.

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