27. A second chance

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As my eyelids fluttered open, the world emerged like a watercolor painting, colors bleeding into focus

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As my eyelids fluttered open, the world emerged like a watercolor painting, colors bleeding into focus. Tubes and wires surrounded me, like a lifeline tethering me to the realm of the living. The beeping of machines echoed, a symphony of the tangible.

My blurry gaze wandered the room, and there, by my bedside, were the faces I held dear. Their eyes mirrored a mix of relief and joy, a silent testament to the tumultuous days they had endured. With a tender touch, I traced the lines on his faces, realizing the profound depth of our shared journey.

A whisper of memory danced in my mind– an encounter with the divine. I recalled the ethereal presence, the warmth of celestial assurances. In that moment, I understood: I had been granted a second chance, a return from the brink of the unknown.

My fingers brushed against the cold metal of the bed, grounding my newfound reality. I marveled at the beating of my own heart, a rhythmic testament to a promise kept. In the hallowed space between realms, I had encountered God, and now, surrounded by the love of those who had feared my loss, I embraced the fragile beauty of a life renewed.

"Alvaro," I whispered, my voice hoarse from the tubes that were still in my mouth. He looked at me and tears welled up in his eyes.

"I'm right here, tesoro," he said, bringing my palm to his lips and leaving a long kiss there. I could feel his warm tears on my skin and it made me cry even more.

Just then, his family came into the room. They were all crying but their tears were tears of joy and gratefulness.

"Thank you, Lord, for bringing her back to us," my mother said, I didn't feel the usual loath I felt towards her belief because I had seen for myself that there truly was a higher power.

My sister, Astra, hugged me carefully as she didn't want to hurt me. "I'm so glad you survived this," she said, her voice breaking with emotion. "I don't know how I would have coped if you....."

She didn't finish her sentence, but I knew what she was going to say. If I hadn't made it.

"Leonel," I said, noticing my brother's absence. "Where is he?"

"He went to get some food for us," my mother explained. "He'll be back soon."

"I'd go get the doctor" Astra announced and left with mother, leaving just Alvaro and I.

"How have you been, Alvaro?" I asked, though I already knew the answer. 'Terrible,'' he whispered, his voice breaking.

"It's been difficult without you, tesoro," he said, his eyes filled with sadness. "I really don't know how I would have lived if you didn't return."

I gave him a weak smile and reached out to touch his face. The stubble on his cheeks had grown in the time I was gone.

"It's not yet my time," I said, "God gave me a second chance."

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