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The look on the man's face was not pleasant. Though, he looked pleased with the blonde's submission. He crossed his arms, watching Felix shuffle slightly back.

  "Buy me dinner." The purple man insisted, his eyes looking with dominance and pride. The blonde rolled his eyes, not believing his remark.

  "Dinner?" He scoffed, ready to turn away again. The blonde looked for any signs of mockery or laughter but he only found arrogant honesty, "Where and when?"

  "Now. It's about five, we could find a nice place to eat." He told, studying the blonde's appearance.

  "I'm wearing a hoodie. There won't be a fancy place in sight that will let me in." He replied, "Plus, I probably don't have the money for where ever you have in mind, and I don't even know you."

  The purple haired man's eyes fixed on the other, stepping a foot closer, "None of that is an issue." He explained, his eyes floating into the shorters, "My name is Minho. Lee Minho. You should recognize me."

  Felix's brows furrowed, staring at the purplette's face. He saw the violet looking contacts and his ghostly pale skin. His facial structure stung in him mind as he recalled their brief to little encounter, "You're Seungmin and Jisung's friend."

  "Correct. A face like mine wouldn't be easily forgotten." He smirked in a highly egotistical way.

  "Mh. I wouldn't be too sure. Minho is quite the common name, if I just gave you a black wig and took out the contacts, you'd blend in with the crowd." Felix shut him down abruptly, leaning onto the wall once more.

  Minho's eyes filled with hurt and shock yet his choked it down by clearing his throat, "Hurry up, let's get dinner now before I starve."

   "Whatever." The blonde scoffed, following the purplette as he began to walk away. As they walked, Felix's eyes diverted to the scenery around the city.

  The rain began to lighten, turning into a gentle patter. The dark clouds in the sky filled the land with a humid climate. The sideways was practically empty. With streets halfway flooded, there weren't many car either. No one was supposed to be out.

Yet this random purple man insisted on making Felix pay for his slight disrespect.

Where, you might be thinking?

Ryunique, a hella expensive restaurant.

  "You've got to be fucking around. I don't have money for this." Felix spat, pushing Minho in the shoulder.

  "That's fine. Give me 630000₩."($471 or 370£)

  "You think I carry around that much?" He snickered, opening his wallet and handing him 10950₩ (approximately 250 usd or 118£). Scoffing, Minho muttered something under his breath.

  "That's fine." Minho put the money in his pocket before grabbing Felix's hand and pulling him inside. As they walked in they stood behind a couple who was checking in. The purplette leaned into Felix's ear, "Act tired."

  Felix's breath hitched, eyes staring at how close they were before nodding. Minho pulled him close, brushing the hairs away from his face. The blonde was about to pull back when Minho gave him a sharp look.

  "Do you want a free meal or not?" He asked harshly in his ear. The shorter nodded again, "Then don't act out and listen to me like a good boy."

  Felix blushed, biting his lip and looked away from him. Minho gently tugged Felix's hood down, before holding his hand intimately. From his pocket he had a ring, he placed it on Felix's ring finger before whipping back around to the host table. His fake purple eyes glittered into the hostesses.

  "Excuse me, ma'am. Would you get me and my husband a private room? We are... quite well known."

  Her eyes turned into pure panic as she nodded frantically. Her hands fumbled as she grabbed menu's and bowed politely, "Right away, Mr. Lee. You're always our first priority. Just one moment, please."

  He gave her a mocking look as she scurried away. Felix's face was red as he pulled away from him. He reached to take off the ring but Minho snatched his hands up.

  "Don't. Remember, you owe me." He spoke sharply.

  "I don't think this is owing anymore." Felix replied, feeling the corruption from his behavior, "And being a husband-"

  "Felix, I'd stop talking if I were you." He whispered, his body closer to his than before. His deep amethyst colored eyes burned into the light hazelnut color of Felix's. Minho's face shows a facade of kindness, but also an unmistakable gentleness. His ego still quite prominent, "You get to wear a beautiful ring and a nice dinner. Don't complain."

  "If you say anything stupid, I'm leaving." He said shortly, looking away from the taller.

  Minho couldn't help but let out a laugh, nodding his head and he pat Felix's blonde hair, "Good boy."

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