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(Quick note that all the SKZ people are taller than Felix by a couple inches beside Changbean bc he is forever shorties —referance, Felix is 5'6 ½ and Changbin is 5'6 while Chan is 5'9 etc —alt reference Felix would be 169 cm while Changbin is 167 cm and Chan would be around 175 cm)

  A blonde quietly slipped a wallet from a elderly lady's pockets, keeping it for his own. His face covered by a black mask and his hair covered his eyes. The only witness was Lee Felix, who noticed this immediately and followed him. The blonde hadn't seemed to notice him yet and flipped open the wallet. He continued walking into an alley, his body language showing unaware and open motions.

  Felix snuck up behind and reached for the wallet quickly when the blonde thief grabbed the just boy's hand. He pulled him forward and pushed him to the wall in front of him.

  "Ah~ Stealing is wrong, isn't it, shortie?" His voice was gentle, deep, and cautious. The boy pulled down his mask revealing a serious and cold face of a beautiful man. His build helped hold him there, preventing him from running.

  "Says you? That poor older lady didn't even notice what you took!" He yelled, only for the man to scoff.

  He shook his head, moving his hair from his eyes and revealing the fox-like piercing amber eyes. He then recognized his face from somewhere. His jaw dropped as he groaned out loud and pushed the blonde back a bit.

  "You've got to be fucking kidding me," he scoffed to himself, "You know Jisung and Seungmin?"

  The serious expression on his face melted away as he smirked, moving back as he flipped the wallet in his hands, "I know a lot of people, be more specific~" he teased out, leaning on the other wall.

  Felix huffed out annoyed at the familiar phrase, "The ones with really bright colored hair. You were at the club with them."

  "Mh... Club... Club... Oh! I remember now," he chuckled out, opening the wallet once more, before glancing up at him with burning bright eyes, "You must be Felix."

  Felix felt unsettled, his back filled with goosebumps as his shiver rolled down his skin. He shifted uncomfortably, "Whatever, give me the damn wallet."

  "Ah-ah-ah- not so fast shortie~" he told, biting his lip as he placed his hand on the shorter's chest. Felix grabbed his hand instantly, his grip tight and unhappy, "Relax, take the damn wallet. It means nothing."

  He offer the wallet, gesturing for him to grab it. The smaller reached for it when he pulled it back suddenly, leaning forward into his ear as he breathed his minty breath on his cheek.

  "You owe me what I'm losing here," he told him tauntingly, "You of all people should realize that."

  "I don't owe you anything-"

  The larger blonde moved closer, his ace growing impatient and stern, "You do.  You should know that what I lose, I'll gain so much quicker once it's gone," he played. Felix's eyebrows furrowed together, his gaze dropping to the ground.

  "It's probably like 20 bucks. Don't take from the elderly. That's just cruel," he snapped, pushing the blonde thief off of him. The one he pushed smirked again, laughing.

  "God, Minho told me you were stubborn, but he didn't say stubborn and stupid," he laughed out, sitting down in the alley. He looked up at Felix a gentle look on his face, "I don't give two shits about the wallet. I don't find it intriguing anymore. But I want something else. But I'll get it soon."

  The thief extended his hand and gave the wallet to the just man who grabbed it and stormed off, unhappy with the conversation at hand.


  "Ugh! He was just so infuriating!" He complained into the phone as Changbin scoffing.

   "Jeongin is an ass, that's for sure. But he put his hands on you?" He asked, his voice mixed with fury and envy, "He's one of those damn kids who thinks they'll get anything if they yell loud enough. Avaricious bastard..."

  Felix hummed in agreement, "I can't deal with people like that! I barely stood through my dinner with Minho, he's so fucking arrogant."

  Changbin agreed loudly through the device, "Seriously! He thinks that he gets whatever the fuck he wants. Just like Hyunjin."

  "Hyunjin's not really prideful. Honestly," Felix replied to that, sitting down on a bench.

  "No, he is a lazy fucking ass. He doesn't do shit while Jisung babys the fuck out of him. They all are a piece of shit, I'll tell you that, Chan is the only one keeping people from killing each other," snickered Changbin.

  Felix hummed, "Who's Chan?" He asked carefully, unknowing of this new person he never knew existed til now.

  "No one important yet. Let's just say, you don't want to cross him. Plus, we know a lot of people."

  "Clearly..." He sighed, running his hand through his hair. Felix huffed, "I have to go because I have to find a job or something. I've been looking for a few days and I can't find jackshit."

  "Why don't you come to the club tonight? We're actually renting out the club tonight to throw a party. Someone was supposed to ask you but it didn't happen," he invited. He heard the kindness in his voice. Felix compared it to the jealous and irritated tone he used towards Quinn and easily decided which he preferred.

  "I don't know. I was going to go to my friend's house since he's convinced today is when the world will end because of the blood moon," he laughed out shortly, thinking of the superstitious Brendan, "I also don't have money for anything."

  "No, no, don't worry. Everything will be paid for," he reassured, "Please~"

  Felix thought for a moment. Brendan wouldn't mind too much if he cancelled just this once. They'd only ben getting drunk for two hours before passing out anyways. Felix definitely needed something fun away from his friend group. Those were the only people he'd been with and they didn't even know about his eviction. Sometimes, they could be a lot to deal with.

What did he have to lose? Really. That this point, he has nothing.

  "Okay, sure. Why not."

Pretty Temptation [] SKZ x FelixTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon