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  When he woke up from his nap, his entire body seemed to be replenished, awake and alive. That was best sleep he's ever had. He slowly tried to sit up when an arm held him still. Felix felt the short breaths of Hyunjin on his neck. He blushed, silently recalling all the events from earlier. The short blonde turninb in the grey one's arms, facing him. Hyunjin's eyes stared into the milky brown of Felix's.

  "So you are awake?" He asked quietly, his voice slightly raspy from his stirring.

  "Mh." He replied, Hyunjin's eyes flickering all around the beautiful face of Felix. He didn't move an inch, his eyes gently sweepinv over his body.

  "What if Jisung finished his food? I don't want to be rude and keep him waiting," he told him. Hyunjin shrugged, pulling Felix's closer.

  "Whatever. He can wait." He simply replied, his eyes not even blinking as his eyes fluttered all over his face, "I don't want to more."

  "You aren't even blinking..." He whispered back, his face becoming red.

  "Blinking is too much work," he said again, in the same tired, quiet tone.

  "Can you at least let go of me?" He asked, pouting slightly.

  "Not yet."

  "Why not-"

  Hyunjin leaned forward and kissed Felix, his eyes shutting and pulling Felix forward even more. The blonde didn't pull back and kissed back quickly. Hyunjin deepened the kiss, slowly moving to manoeuver on top of Felix as he French kissed him.

  Slowly he pulled back, "I don't want to yet. I want to stay with you," he flirted quietly, slowly grinding on his lap. He kissed him again shortly.

  Felix breathed hard, his eyes wide and his face flushed pink. He whimpered slightly, feeling the small friction on his lower area. His lips parted and his body moved slowly to the same rhythm. Hyunjin kissed him again and locked eyes with him.

  Felix's mind told him that this was wrong. He felt Hyunjin's cold hand climb up his shirt.

  "Wait, no. I can't." The blonde whispered. His memory connected with Seungmin. He looked over to Hyunjin who did as told, pulling away.

  "Mh... Disappointing..." he kissed Felix's forehead, not offended at all.

  Felix, embarrassed and flustered stood up and ran to his bedroom. His face was red and his body was craving him but he didn't want to mislead him. He didn't know who he liked.

  No, he did. He liked Jisung. Jisung was sweet and loving, caring for him and cooking the best food! He also gave the most amazing hugs. He could make Felix feel loved in an instant.

  But wait... Hyunjin was a sleepy guy, but he always texted Felix before he went to sleep and it would mostly be Felix texting as Hyunjin was a dry texter, but it was still fun, even their face times.

  God... But Minho... Something about the way he pushed Felix's button drew him in. The way he talked was so annoying but so attractive in some way. He didn't understand it but felt so weird.

  Don't forget about Seungmin.  His lulling body and smooth voice. He could never get his voice out of his head. The desire to even see a text from him was insane. He didn't have the heart to text him, but he desperately wanted to hear him say that nickname again.

And Changbin. That brief encounter... He couldn't help but replay it over and over. What should've been a casual and brief moment turned into a week long conversation. He was the top of Quinn chatter list. Everyone in their friend group knew about him.

  His heart hurt and ached. Why was he focusing on his stupid love life when he needed to focus on his housing situation? These stupid guys were getting to him.

Wait... Wait.

  'Were they all at the club with Seungmin?!'

  How did it take that long to piece it together?

  Felix covered his face with his hands, sliding down his door as he groaned into his hands. Nothing was making sense. Why did all these guys just suddenly show up in his life and why were they all so charismatic?!

  Slowly, he stood up and changed his clothes. He threw on a hoodie and some sweatpants and tied his hair up before throwing his hood over his mess of hair. He yawned before leaving he room to see Hyunjin sleeping in the couch still, not bothered by the previous events. Felix walked to the kitchen, ignoring the building flutter in his chest as he saw Jisung playing the last dish.

  Once more, the kitchen was full of food he didn't have the ingredients to make. He was in awe and confused, like always. Jisung picked up a plate and set it in front of Felix.

  "Go ahead eat. I'm just making food for later," he eased, his orange hair tied back attractively. The chocolate like eyes of Felix scanned the food, seeing how long they should've taken compared to how long they did.

  There was a feeling of suspicion and confusion in his voice as he spoke, "How can you make all of this in such little time? I don't even have the ingredients for these. Did you buy them?" He asked curiously. Jisung gave his chubby cheeked smile.

  "Of course not. Plus, a good chef never gives away his secrets~ You'll find out for yourself soon anyways," he explained indirectly as he winked, pushing the plate further towards him.

  The blonde looked down at the delectable meal on his boring plastic plate before back up as the sweet and ungodly handsome man who tapped his fingers on the counter. Jisung seemed to notice his hesitation and walked around to go up to him. He placed his hands affectionately on Felix's face once more, his thumbs moving back and forth.

  "Sweet boy, you won't go crazy. Now you'll drive me crazy if you don't eat," he joked, kissing his cheek.

  "No, no, it's not about that-" he paused, looking up at Jisung, "I just, I don't get it. You know Seungmin, Hyunjin, Minho, and Changbin, right?"

  "Mhm. Of course. I know a lot of people," he insisted, listening carefully.

  Felix inhaled, "Then how did I just magically run into you guys? Like just randomly after meeting Seungmin you guys just appear?"

  Jisung sighed, squeezing Felix's face together, "I guess... It's just fate, my sweet boy." The orange haired boy pat Felix's head before handing him the plate, "Now go eat before your damn food gets cold!"

Pretty Temptation [] SKZ x FelixМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя