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  Felix didn't mean to run into Quinn, Brendan, and Giyunwoo again. They practically chased him down from the park to the library. The exact second he sat down at a computer, three of his friends did as well.

  "So who was that guy?" Asked Quinn, kicking her feet at his knees, "He was rude and you're too sweet to be friends with him."

  "Some guy I met at the park," he replied shortly, his focus on the computer. They didn't care.

  Brendan snickered, "he was shorter than you, Felix, I thought you liked tall guys!"

  "I-I- How do you know his height?" He redirected, looking over at the guy, "You weren't even there?"

  "That doesn't matter, now does it?"

  "Uhm, well I just met him. I don't think I like him or anything. He's just some guy who I exchanged numbers with," he simply put it all, setting his focus on the computer, ignoring the slight blush on his cheeks.

  "What did he look like!? Was he jealous?~ That's so cute! It's like a meet cute in a TV show!" Giyunwoo fangirled, her hands pulling on his arm.

  "What? No-no, I doubt he liked me. He just picked up trash that flew away," he pulled away from her and continued to look at the computer.

  "Come on Felix!!! Be more fun! Tell me more!" She begged.

  "Giwoo, he was an ass! He's nothing good enough for him!" Quinn snapped at her girlfriend, "Felix deserves a nice, tall, loving boyfriend. Not some asshole dickhead."

  The three continued to pester him about it, continuing to argue in the process.. He continued to deflect their questions, struggling to focus. The loud chatter they were upbringing was starting to disturb others in the library. He inhaled sharply, putting a hand on his forehead before looked at them.

  "You know what? Let's just go to Ahyongie's, she probably has a special today," he choked out, closing the computer and standing up. Quinn silenced and grabbed her stuff. Giyunwoo seemed petty, wanting to hear about this mysterious mean guy. Brendan snickered and watched as Giyunwoo and Quinn connected hands and started walking. Brendan stayed back with him.

  As soon as they left the library, Brendan turned to look at him nervously, "Look, just watch your friends. I just heard on the news that an exorcist kinda just released the seven deadly sins into the world..." He whispered. Felix gave his a ridiculous look as he laughed out.

  "Are you crazy?" Felix gave him a gentle push, giggling, "That's just the government's way of scaring us, they aren't real."

  "I wouldn't be so sure... there's been sightings of really spiritual people noticing murky aura in even the purest people just from meeting someone..." He said in slight fear. Felix only laughed louder.

  "And you believe that? That's hilarious," he wheezed out, ignoring his concern. He shook his head, "Do you know how ridiculous you sound?"

  "Okay, just know I warned you," he shrugged and ran over to catch up with the other two. Felix stayed behind them, his arms crossing over his shoulder as he laughed quietly to himself.

  'That whole demon thingy is obviously fake. Oh~ some demons are going to take me and kill me! Ahhh so scary. Yeah right. That sounds so ridiculous!

  Even if they were, what could they possibly want from us? An object? A person? We don't know. That's why it's fake.'

  Felix was oblivious. He had just met six of the seven deadly sins. He just hadn't pieced it together.



Short chapter! Sorry. this will probably be the only book I update RN lol. I have so many ideas right now, plus it was just a filler chapter anyways. Xxx)

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