Short 1-Night-time Scaries

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Notes: Please be aware that anything written here and in other chapters will be spoilers for both Seasons 1 and 2 of the Total Drama Reboot of 2023. I will not be making a spoiler for each and every story, so please keep this in mind if you have not finished the current seasons!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               It was nights after season 2 of the Total Drama Reboot had ended. All 16 beloved cast members have returned to their semi-normal lives, away from Chris and his crazy schemes. Although most of them had no contact with one another outside of the game, Millie and Priya got closer as best friends, even outside of camp. You could even say more than friends..                                                                                                                                    Both girls were over at Millies house, having a sleepover. They had rarely stayed over at Priyas house, mostly due to her parents. After hearing all about them throughout the first season, Millie had wanted no part in their acts played on Priya. Of course, despite this, she turned out to be quite a fun person to be around. Millie thought so, at least.. she had been much disappointed knowing that Priya and Caleb may have had stuff going on between them. After being eliminated the second season, she had been watching all their interactions that were caught on Total Drama itself. She hadn't dared bring up her feelings to Priya; why should she? She had no clue nor reasoning why Priya would feel the same way. She liked Caleb- she did, anyway. After the show, the two of them hadn't continued in their relationship, due to multiple reasons. Was it wrong Millie was somewhat relieved?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The thoughts of this had left Millie with many emotions, however, Priya didn't seem to notice. Or at least, she tried not to. Millie hadn't covered up her stress well, and Priya had hoped she'd come to her to talk. She didn't want to pry her best friend for answers, so she just observed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The two were found watching a movie. They had their own set up across the floor, snacks scattered around their area they had created. Pillows and blankets too. They'd both been pretty focused on the film, however every so often Millie would zone out, looking away from the screen. Priya had noticed this multiple times, deciding not to say anything the first few. However, after seeing this happen every few minutes, she felt the need to check on her friend. "Are you doing alright, Millie?" Priya had asked, her head tilting slightly to the side. She had now been faced away from the screen, looking into Millies gaze. The other girl shuffled, unsure of how to answer. Should she tell her the truth? Of course not. "I'm alright." She replied, avoiding eye contact. Her gaze focused onto the floor, trying to focus on anything that wasn't Priya herself. Letting out an annoyed huff, Priya removed one hand, originally placed over her knees, onto Millies shoulder. A frown formed on her face- not of disappointment, but of her worry for her friend. "Millie, you can talk to me. If you tell me, I might be able to help." A few pauses of silence formed between the two, before Priya sighed once more. "..Or, if you don't want to talk, that's okay to. I'll respect your decision either way." She'd add quietly. Millie finally met her gaze, her brown eyes dull. "No, I'm alright, really. I think I'm just tired." She pulled together the reply, her eyes locked on Priyas. She didn't want to break the contact- she had to show her friend that she was okay.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Priya gave her a small smile, removing her hand from Millies shoulder. "Only if you're sure. But I will always be here for you Millie." She said, as she then grabbed for the tv remote, that was scattered across the bedroom floor. Once reaching it, she pressed the off button on their movie. Millies bedroom was decorated with many strands of fairy lights, so it didn't leave the room pitch black. Turning her head over her shoulder, she looked back at Millie, who still looked at her with wide eyes. "We should go to sleep. You said you were tired, right?" It had sounded like she was trying to take a jab at Millies words, but she really wasn't. She was being genuine. Millie hesitated, though slowly nodded. "Yeah." She murmured in reply, as she grabbed for one of the blankets nearby. Priya had done the same, as she began to lie down. She closed her eyes for a moment, before opening them back up again, now staring at Millie, who was still sitting up. She slowly shuffled to a lying down position, however was still looking around the bedroom. She only turned towards Priya when she noticed she was looking at her. She gave a small smile of reisurance, as Priya smiled back. "Goodnight Millie." She said softly, as she closed her eyes once more. Millie took moments to reply, until finally muttering the word Goodnight back in reply. Her gaze was still locked on Priya, even though their conversation had clearly ended now. She was asleep. She didn't need to worry about her worrying about her anymore. She let out a sigh of her own, turning over on her back to look at the ceiling. After what felt like hours, she finally drifted off to sleep.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ..........                                                                                                                                                                                                      "So this is what you were writing about this whole time?" Millies eyes shot open. She was facing Priya, her notebook slammed onto the floor. "Horrible stuff about me and my family?" Priya continued, as Millie just stood there. Silent. She had been in this situation once before, but they fixed it- why must it happen again? "Priya, what are you talking about? We fixed this! I stopped writing in my book!" But Priyas expression didn't change. Her gaze was still cold, staring right into Millies eyes. Everything became a blur, until suddenly it wasn't again. She was still facing Priya, but this time in a different setting. Her facial expression was still the same; angry. Cold. Disgusted. "I, will never work with you. Ever." Millie couldn't take her eyes off the situation. Why was this happening again? Did Priya secretly not forgive her? Did she just feel bad for her? Was it all an act? "Priya..why are you acting like this?" Millie took a step back. "I haven't done anything, I swear!..That I know of. Talk to me!" She'd cry, her voice quivering. Her hands began to shake, as the vision of Priya started to fade once more.                                         Her vision became clear once more, but it was different this time. Instead of Priya, it was someone else. Someone else she had once hurt. Damien. "I thought you were my friend, and you crushed me!" He'd shout, his eyes flaring in anger. Millie stood there, unable to defend herself. Why did it seem like everyone was against her all of a sudden? She thought she had fixed things. "Damien, you forgave me!" Her hands shook in front of her chest, blinking consistantly. Was this even real?  "Why are you guys acting funny? I'm not a bad person!" Millie would cry, as Damien just shook his head, a look of disappointment planted on his face. The unbearing memory began to fade off once again, her vision going black.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ..........                                                                                                                                                                                    Millie woke up in a flash, sweat rolling down her face. She shot up from her laying postion as she gasped. As she caught her breath, she covered her face with her faces, quietly sobbing. She had only remembered Priya had been in the room with her after minutes of her silent crying. She frantically turned to her side to check to see if she had noticed, but to her luck, Priya was fast asleep, assured by her quiet snoring. Letting out a sigh of relief, Millie turned away, focusing her gaze on different parts of her bedroom. Her heart was racing. The thoughts of her mistakes struck her mind every so often, sure, but she never once thought it would be like this. Was this the reality of how her so called friends thought? Had they really not forgiven her? She hadn't had any friends until stepping foot onto Total Drama. To lose the only people she has scared her. Badly. The worst of it is, she was much aware these mistakes could much cause her to never have a shot with Priya. Even if she did return her feelings, would Priya even be able to trust her? To rely on her? No. Of course not. Her breathing began to speed up once more the more she thought, as she sobbed once more in her hands. As Millie quietly cried, Priya slowly awakened due to the faint sound. She hadn't noticed it at first, however once she rolled over, she noticed her best friends meltdown. "Millie?" She called out quietly, in a flat and tired tone. Milles head snapped towards Priya in an instant, her heart sinking. "Priya..I-" She cut herself off, unsure of what to say to the girl in front of her. Rubbing her eyes, Priya sat up, blinking slowly as she stared at Millie. " need to talk to me." She began. She knew that Millie would try to talk her way out of it. Because of this, she wanted to try taking this conversation slow..but remain supportive. Millie had opened her mouth like she was going to speak, however nothing came out. Her eyes batted away from Priyas, focusing on anything except her brown gaze. Priya frowned. She shifted closer to Millie, placing a hand on her shoulder. "If something is wrong, you can talk to me. I don't like seeing you like this, and which whatever is going on you can talk to me about. I am here." She'd say, her voice in a quiet, but yet soothing tone. Millie looked away, though then back at Priya. She hadn't had the energy to keep covering things up. Instead, she released a long, draggy sigh, as her head fell into her hands once more. "I'm a horrible person." The words escaped her, as she closed her eyes tightly. She had expected Priya to not know what to say, or worse, agree with her. Why wouldn't she? She had once fell culpret of her actions, which caused her best friend pain. No one could forgive her for that, she was sure.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

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