Short 6 - Learning From You

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Notes: Not too much to say here! Just would like to say I do have a ton of ideas up right now for short stories to include here, however I am always open to other requests and ideas!
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It had been a somewhat early morning. Not too early that no one had risen, however pretty early for the typical person. 6 am the clocks read, and Priya had been wide awake. She had already changed into her day clothes, prepared for whatever another day of training had set out for her.

However, this day of training hadn't been too focused on her. She had been doing this for fifteen years, after all.. today, she was going to focus on her friend, Millie..

..who had still been asleep. To be fair, her body hadn't been on an early routine like Priyas had been. She was used to this, especially by now.

Priya reached an arm out, climbing on the ladder to Millie's top bunk. After pulling herself up, she placed a hand on one of the bunkbed pillars to maintain balance.

Huffing, she rested like that for a moment, collecting her thoughts, before glancing over at Millie. The girl had been resting on her side, facing Priya.

The girl in blue blinked slowly, taking in her final thoughts before calling out to the sleeping girl. "Millie?" She called softly, her hands just slightly gripping onto the pillar with anxiety.

Meanwhile, the previously sleeping girl snapped awake by the soft call, her eyes opening and closing every few seconds. "Priya?" She would respond, however she hadn't sat up nor attempted to glance at the girl nearby. "What time is it?"

"Errr," The girl would cringe, glancing around. "Around 6 am." She admitted sheepishly. "But look. Me and you both agreed to training and well now.. here we are," she would continue, as Millie sat up in her bed, rubbing one of her eyes. "I guess I did, didn't I.." The sluggish girl hummed. She placed her head in her hands for a few moments, taking a few extra seconds to rest her eyes, before finally looking up at Priya. "Give me 10 minutes."


It had been near the given timestamp Millie had provided Priya, and both girls had been out the door. They began to head towards the woods of Camp Wawanakwa. They hadn't planned to go too far deep, it was way too early, and still dark; however what's considered training if there isn't just a small hinge of danger?

As the two trailed further into the woods, Millie spoke quietly. "How much further are we going? We're pretty deep inside already," the girl would ask, ending her words in a yawn. Priya hummed quietly, before coming to a complete stop. "Hm. I think here is fine."

The sun had just barely began to rise, sending a signal to both girls that it had still been quite early. Not much sound came from the forest at this time, leaving the two girls out all alone.

"Alright," Priya would huff, looking around at her surroundings. She only stopped when an idea finally went off in her head. "Let's work on your strategy."

The skinny girl grabbed a nearby stick, running her hands over the long pieces of bark. A small smile formed on her face, before suddenly swinging the large stick towards Millie. It had only remained just a few inches away from her face, as Priya held it still. "You're out in the woods, alone, when a foe larger than you appears. A bear, raptor, whatever Chris has to throw at you." The girl would shrug, lowering the stick for just a second before having it meet the opposing girls face once more. "What do you do?"

Millie stammered. "Uhh.. I cry for help, and if no one comes i'm bear food?" She would give an awkward smile, as Priya would only reply in a grunt. "I'm kidding!" Millie would blurt out, although Priya wasn't too impressed. "I'm being serious.. this is the basic key to survival if you want to keep making it through the challenges!"

Millie x Priya Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now