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The small group slowly came closer and closer to the kitchen, quiet murmuring heard from all three. It had been a little further into the evening, where campers had already ate their dinner, and now hung around to do as they pleased.

As usual, larger groups began to form around the living space that was placed right near the stairway. However, for once, the three managed to slide right past them, no questions asked.

They edged closer towards the kitchen, until coming to a halting stop. Both girls had froze, staring with wide eyes, while Damien remained unamused.

"What is this?" Priya was the first to speak. In front of them, there had been a large table with many varieties of foods; a sight they hadn't seen since before arriving on the island.

"Axel and Ripper said they wanted to do something special, it being our last few days here and all.." the boy shrugged. "I guess this is what they meant."

Despite them being one of the last groups in attendance, things hadn't been too picked over. Either the couple made a lot of food, or not too many of them had been interested in eating it.

"Well, i'm certainly not complaining. You made it sound like this was bad!" Millie exclaimed, as Damien blinked, gazing at her from the side. "It's not, I just found it a tad unusual. Especially for Ripper and Axel!"

"Mm, fair point," Millie would shrug, while beside her, Priya had practically been bouncing up and down with excitement. As she was one of the last campers eliminated, she hadn't exactly been able to get used to this sort of treatment from the wild pair.

"You two can talk all you want, i'm going to get some of that food!" She'd chirp, immediately speeding over to grab herself a plate. Millie stared at the skinny female wide eyed, however a warm smile soon fell on her face. Yep, that was her girl.

Soon after, she too approached the table, with Damien following behind. She had assumed he hadn't engaged much with the food before heading up to retrieve her and Priya; or that he hadn't ate at all.

As the three gathered up some food, they approached the dining hall, in which had been empty. Millie practically let out a sigh of relief, at the sign of no lingering teens.

Damien stepped away from the two, looking back at them. "I'm going to sit out with everyone else in the living space. Feel free to come if you want!"He'd exclaim, as Priya gave the boy a polite smile. "We'll come join the moment we're done," she'd reply, as he gave a respectful nod of his head, before heading out of the room.

Priya and Millie took a seat at the table, sat across from one another as Priya let out a hasty sigh. "A near relief we're here alone, hm?" The brunette questioned, as the journalist across let out a nervous laugh, following a nod of her head.

"I saw Bowie out in the living room with everyone else. What are we going to do if he asks questions?" The girl said, in a near mumble. Priya placed her hand on the table, following Millies nervous gaze. "I'm sure he won't. He'll keep his word," a short pause fell between them, as the reassuring female soon pulled away her gaze. "At least, I hope."

Long chains of silence came their way after that. Neither of them spoke as they took a first few bites of their food, nearly avoiding one another's gaze. It was Priya who broke the pause of quiet between them.

"If he asks, do you think it'd be right to tell him?" The girl cocked her head slightly to the side, as Millie hummed anxiously. "Well, that depends.. if it happens to just be us with him, then sure. But with everyone there? I'm not sure i'm ready for that," the girl pondered out loud, glancing across the room from side to side as she spoke.

Priya watched carefully as the girl spoke, observing and understanding her points of view, however as well as she reacted to her question. The nervousness she had shown spoke louder than what came out of her mouth.

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