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Things had been peaceful as the early afternoon slowly transitioned to the evening. Hours had passed, and despite the day still going on not too much activity had been heard from the campers that day.

Specifically from Millie and Priyas room, both girls had still napping. The room had been nearly silent, apart from the tv running in the background and their muffled snores.

Millie had been the first to awaken out of the two once the results from her medicine finally wore off. Her eyes slowly creaked open, letting out a low groan.

The pain in her stomach and the throbbing of her head seemed to have left, in which now she was left to deal with the results of a typical long nap.

The girl would roll over from her side onto her back, glancing up at the ceiling. She had no clue what time it had been, nor how long she had been asleep, but guessing from the grogginess she felt, it had been a while.

Millie let out another low groan of weariness and confusion. "Priya?" She quietly called, however got no response. She flipped onto her other side, as she came to realize the brunette she had been calling out to had been asleep soundly, now lying on her back.

Half of her wanted to lie down and go back to sleep, however the other half of her really wanted to grab something to eat. For the whole day she hadn't ate a thing due to her constant stomach aches; what is a girl to do?

..well, it only took a few minutes of going back and fourth to decide. After getting a good stretch from all the hours of lying down, Millie finally hopped out of her bed.

She approached her door in a quick manner, preparing to go grab her, as well as Priya, some food.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Taking slow steps down the stairs, she glanced around the open living space that laid just nearby. Gathered there had been Julia and MK on one couch, while Raj, and Bowie had been gathered on another. Wayne sat on the floor in between both couches.

Millie approached the small group, stretching her arms out in front of her. Meanwhile, Bowie whipped his head around at the hearing of quiet footsteps.

His eyes fell on the journalist, a small smirk falling on his face. "Ah, Millie. Just who i've been dying to see. You took a while coming back." He'd say, a slight sizzling sound rolling from his tongue. Julia, sitting on the opposite side from him, rolled her eyes.

Millie cocked an eyebrow at the boys sudden eager to meet with her. "I had taken a nap," she paused her sentence, letting out a long, high pitched yawn before continuing. "I didn't realize you missed me so much." She'd add in a snarky tone.

Bowie scoffed. "I didn't miss you. We just didn't finish our conversation." He'd grunt in annoyance, while Julia hummed. "Well it looks like you're gonna have all the time in the world to. Chris is making us stay here another full week." Julia told the newly arriving girl, as her eyes widened.

"A whole week? Did he explain why?" Millie asked, as Julia shrugged. "Beats me. But i'm not too sad about it." She'd admit, raising her eyebrows at MK, who sat right next to the blonde.

Millies eyebrows furrowed. "Okay, is there anyone in this mansion who doesn't seem to be into one another?" The girl would ask, as Julia let out a high pitched gasp. "What! That is not what I was implying, you maniac!" She tried to explain, however most campers had toned her out, finding her words unlikely.

Meanwhile, Wayne rose his hand from his seat on the floor. "Hey! I'm single, too!" He'd happily chirp, as MK who sat above him scoffed, placing her hands on her hips. "More like just a third wheel. You're practically the middleman to Raj and Bowie."

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