Short 5 - Priyas Overstimulation

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Notes: Hey guys! Not much to say here this time.. I hope you enjoy!

It had been the night after Episode 10, Season 1. Priya had been lying spread out across her bed, placed on the bottom of her and Millie's bunkbed. She had been staring straight up, zoned out in her trails of thought. She hadn't been able to stop thinking today ever since being one of the first eliminated from today's challenge.

She had been training for this show since she had first been born; how come she hadn't been able to survive today's challenge? Sure, she had been set back. She was dehydrated and starved, however she trained for this. These weren't factors she hadn't been put up against before.

Letting out a frustrated grunt, she turned on her side, facing away from the wall. As she laid across her messy sheets and her hard feeling bed, she let out a low groan of annoyance. She had been alone in the cabin, so she was able to take her anger out alone. Emma and Julia had been who knows where, while Millie had went on a quick errand to go grab something to drink.

The feeling she had been keeping to herself is that she was exhausted. Every day of her life had involved some kind of training, and now that she had actually been on the tv show of her parents dreams, she began to feel more burnt out by the minute. The pushing of herself to please her family and to come out on top had always fell on her, however ever since being accepted and placed on the show had only made it worse. Exhaustion rang through the short girls body, despite having been lying down for quite some time. This had been the first rest she had taken in who knows how long, even if it's only been a few minutes.

The girl sprawled one of her arms out, resting her head on top of it. Tiredness gripped at her eyelids, her eyes feeling heavy from the fatigue she had been facing. This had been between today's heat, the impact today's events had on her body, and her overall burnout...

Every few minutes, she caught herself starting to doze off, however would soon enough save herself up once more. She continued to stare at the cabin door, practically awaiting Millie's arrival. The tired girl would try to shift her position ever so slightly in attempt to keep herself awake, however she was much too exhausted. She eventually would doze off, sleep overtaking her.


About a quarter later, the doorknob to their cabin began to twist open. There in the doorframe could Millie be seen; carrying two bottles of water, as well as a handful of protein bars.

With her hands full, she used her foot to shut the door behind her. "Man, the time it takes just to receive some water from Chef! You would think he'd be on it more, after tonight's challenge." The girl chimed, as she let out a quiet yawn. The time had been ranging around 11pm, however neither of the girls had a sense of what time it had been available. Millie set the items she had brought in on a nearby dresser, as she peaked through the curtains of their cabin. Emma and Julia had yet to make a return to the cabin, despite how late it was.

"Hm, it's a little late for those two to be out. I know our challenge ended late, but sheesh!" The girl exclaimed, shutting the blinds as she grabbed hold of her items from the mess hall once more as she approached Priya and hers bedside.

She squinted slightly, Priya hadn't been responsive to what she had been saying. It was possible the girl had been hyper focused on a task, and had just toned her out. As she carried her belongings towards her and Priyas side of the room, she looked to her side, calling out gently. "Priya?" She'd say, as her eyes fell on the slumbering girl. Her eyes widened slightly, realizing she had been practically talking to herself this whole time, however as well grateful she hadn't managed to wake the girl up.

She set the water bottles she had grabbed on the nightstand beside Priyas bed, placing her items gently. After doing so successfully, she slowly shifted towards Priyas direction, as she let out a small sigh. The girl had to have been exhausted. The realization had never hit Millie thoroughly enough. Priya had consistently trained, even during her offset hours of the show. Sure, Millie chipped in every so often, however she never trained as hard as this other competitor did. In fact, no one did.

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