Short 3- One Final Night (Part 1)

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Notes: Thank you guys so much for the support on my last few stories!! I mostly have been doing these just for fun, but it makes me so happy that other people have been enjoying them as well! This next one will be in 2 parts, so enjoy!

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It had been the evening of the Season 1 Finale. The winner of the first season of Total Drama Reboot had been determined; Priya had taken the victory, and soon would be rewarded with the prize of one million dollars.

The campers had all went their separate ways, wandering around the camp they call Wawanakwa. Campers could be found in groups, celebrating the end of this torturous season, while others went solo, either resting before tonight's party or to contemplate on this seasons loss. After cleaning herself up from the finale, in which she had previously been covered in puke, Priya had strolled back to the cabins. Surprisingly, she hadn't been too worn out from today's challenge. Despite today's temperament with Millie, and facing Bowie in the finals, she had actually been feeling pretty good..however that was most likely the adrenaline from winning Total Drama.

She peered her head into her cabin, checking it out to see if anyone had been inside. However, to her surprise it had been empty; or so she thought. She slowly opened the door, taking a few steps inside, as the door quietly creaked behind her. Once she made the quiet confirmation to herself that no one had been here, she shut it quickly. However, this sudden movement started the girl who had been unidentified, still lingering around in the cabin.

Millie's head shot up suddenly, as she hit the ceiling above her. "Ow!" She yelped, as Priya scanned the cabin once more in an instant. "Millie?" She called, as she had now spotted the other girl. She had been placed on the top bunk, right above Priya's bed, an anxious expression formed on her face. Large dark circles could still be seen under the girls eyes, indicating the stressful night she had to deal with the day before, when Priya found her notebook. She seemed to be holding something in her hand. "Millie? What's wrong? And what are you doing up there?" Priya questioned, her head tilting slightly to the side as she focused her eyes on the girl above her. Meanwhile, Millie's heart had been pounding. "I, um.." She stammered, placing the notebook she had been holding in her lap, turning slightly towards the girl below her. "I had been looking through my notebook reading through what all I did so happen to write," She'd murmur, looking down at her lap. The notebook had been closed shut, placed helplessly on her waist. Priya frowned, as she reached out to drab onto the ladder to get to the top bunk. She climbed up, sitting right on the edge of Millie's bed. "Why would you do that? You know I'm no longer mad at you, right?" She would ask, a small smile forming on her face, however Millie didn't share the same expression. "I guess I just wanted to see how bad it really came across." Millie would huff, avoiding eye contact with Priya. As the smaller girl took note of this, she shuffled closer to Millie, reaching out for her hands. "Whatever you said, we're all good now. You don't need to keep blaming yourself." Priya would whisper, as Millie's gaze fell onto hers. They locked eye contact for a few moments, before Millie revealed a small smile. "Yeah. Right." She replied, her face feeling hot. Had Priya really moved on, just like that? She was grateful, but also surprised.

As she got deeper in thought, Priya removed her hands from Millie's, which snapped the girl out of her deep thoughts. "Besides, half of it was Bowies doing. If only we could just stick it to him!" The skinny girl would grumble, as Millie released a small chuckle. "I'm sure he won't get away with it that easily. We weren't the only contestants he's messed with. Besides," She stretched out her arms in front of her, letting out a yawn. "I'm too tired to go out messing with him." Priyas eyes shot immediately, looking Millie up and down. "I totally forgot! You haven't slept!" The girl would exclaim, Millie's dull, unfocused eyes suddenly going wide from Priyas sudden emotion. "Yeahhh.??" The other girl hummed, cocking a brow. Priya, releasing an annoyed grunt, immediately took the notebook from Millies lap, as she hopped off the top bunk of their bed. "You're going to sleep, and I'm taking this with me so you can't fuss no more." Priya took the notebook she had snatched from the tired girl, placing it on one of the nightstands arranged within the cabin. "There! Now you can't worry about the notebook anymore." She slowly shifted towards the cabin door, reaching out her hand for the doorknob. She pulled it open, taking a step outside. "Please! Go to sleep!" The girl would call out, before quickly slamming the door shut.

Millie x Priya Short StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora