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It'd been decently far into the morning, so much noticed that the birds hovering nearby had gone quiet, and the vibrant hues of sunshine began to go bland as light peered through the windows of the cottage.

Usually, Priya would have been long awake at this hour. However, this time had been different. Instead, she'd still remained asleep, quietly snoozing continuously as the day moved forward.

Meanwhile, sat along the floor, Millie had been taking notes. Doing so on the bed had become hassle, making it hard to organize and lay out her notes in front of her. Perhaps it had been better to work outside of her sleeping space, anyway.

She'd felt like she made more progress this way, or at least, she had been. For the past hour or so, she'd been able to chip away at her work, hardly a thought put behind it. That'd been great, especially after dealing with writers block the past few days..

However, her train of thoughts began to slow, causing the eliminated contestants work to soon come to a stop. Perhaps this was a sign for a break.

With a dramatic huff, the girl would lean back, setting her notebook and pencil on the floor. She rested her weight against the end of her bed, her pupils dilating as she slowly glanced around the room.

She hadn't left her room yet this morning. Half because Priya had been asleep, in which she knew she'd of left by now if the brunette had been awake. However, another reason was simply having no motivation to. She wanted to work on her book, after all.

The writer turned her neck from side to side, allowing for a small pop to follow. Letting out a quiet yawn, she lifted up her notebook as well as her pencil, as her eyes glided over the pages to proofread.

Soon after reading, Millie felt a brief movement in the bed above her. Her head slowly snapped back, pushing her weight upwards just enough to get a brief glance of Priya. She'd expected her to be awake, as when checking the time, it had been late for her to remain asleep. Very late, even.

However, to her surprise, the female had remained asleep, simply showing movement to turn over. Millies eyes slightly would widen, however a pang of relief also spread through her. Maybe this was a good thing.

Right as she turned around to continue on her book, relaxing herself once more to focus in on her writing, she heard a quiet call out to her. Her head instantly snapped around, her eyes widening once more as she glared at the sudden voice behind her. "Millie?"

The journalist blinked up as Priya approached the edge of the bed, before falling wearily onto her stomach. She closed her eyes tightly, trying to eliminate the sleep from her gaze, before batting her eyes down at Millie, taking notice of her work sprawled across the floor.

"What time is it?" She'd mumble, stretching out her arms in front of her, her jaws widening as she let out a yawn of her own. Millie glanced around the room, in search for a nearby clock, to hardly any avail. Finally, realizing her phone was placed right next to her, she lifted it up off the floor, taking a click glance at the time.

"Almost noon, around err..30 past 11am." Millie would reply, using Priyas sudden piping in as another excuse to put down her book. Meanwhile, the brunette looked utterly horrified.

"Almost noon?! What!" The girl flipped, her half opened gaze now widening, pushing herself upwards. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

Millie glanced away, letting out a nervous hum. She'd expected this reaction out of the young female, but now that it was actually happening seemed scary. "Umm.. I figured you could use the sleep, and I didn't really want to take that away by waking you up."

Priyas harsh gaze soon softened upon hearing the writers words, however that didn't mean she didn't feel bad about oversleeping. "Alright.." the brunette would murmur, a slight drag to her voice. "Have you been downstairs yet?"

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