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Notes: I am SO sorry for how long this chapter took! I've been so caught up with state testing in school, but I am back and ready to produce more chapters for you all!

P.S, I apologize if you can sense where I took a break from writing this, I'm glad my writing improved over time although it's a little too obvious i'd say HAHA

Chris hadn't exactly been wrong about the rough night spent on the train.

To what knowledge they received, the host exclaimed that the ride would be janky and harsh, and to what was delivered, he had been right. By the time morning came, most of the campers had been running off a few hours of sleep at most. The night surely was rough.

The interior was nice; the transportation device offered many carts full of seats for the long ride, made of what seemed to be good material as well. There were two groups of seats, two to each group, which left a long, narrow isle in the middle for attendants to walk across.

Due to the long lengths of the train carts, the cast had been spread out. Some had decided to stay towards the back, requesting some desperate alone time, before the weeks of being put together once more, while others didn't seem to care, and stayed within their usual clump of people.

Priya and Millie had been some of those people who didn't care. Sure, being alone would have been nice.. but they weren't gonna fight hand and foot for it.

They rested within one of the train carts, a few away from the front. They were seated together, with Damien, Zee, Emma, and Nichelle nearby.

It was odd; Damien and Zee hanging around one another was typical. They had done so a lot during the previous season, however they couldn't exactly say the same about Emma and Nichelle. It seemed that after completely dropping Chase, the blonde shifted closer to her other camp mates, Nichelle being one of the lucky few. She had bonded decently with Priya too, however she had been occupied with Millie, as per usual.

The time had been near 6 am. Not the best time to have waken up, but when your body is on a consistent sleep schedule, as well as put in a new and unusual environment, you'd expect it.

Priya was wide awake, her eyes peering around the darkened cove of the room. There had been wide windows spread all throughout each train car, however the earliness gave off not even a single dart of light across the sky.

The brunette sat on the end seat, closest to the isle. As she glanced around curiously, she took notice that everyone had been asleep. She was the only one awake.

How could they sleep, on such a janky ride like this? Let alone being in such a new setting, left with the despair and questioning of Chris.

..yet again, that could be a valid reason of exhaustion.

With a small huff, she leaned her head back against the seat. She'd tried to talk herself out of the sudden urge to head back to sleep, due to the darkened setting of the train cart, however seemed to be desperately failing. Beside her, Millie quietly snoozed, leaning just barely against one of the placed windows next to her.

Priya was near relieved at this sight, her heart warm with affection. If it came between her and Millie, she of course would always choose Millie to receive the better end. It was good she was managing to get some sleep.

Taking in this sensational and peaceful moment, the shorter girl gently placed her head against the journalists shoulder. The girl hadn't seemed to flinch at the touch, so she assumed the taller female had remained asleep.

Gladly taking in the silence of the train cart, she closed her eyes, leaving herself vulnerable to the peaceful setting they found themselves within.


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