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It had been a near day in passing since the campers found out they'd be stuck at this resort for yet another week. Surprisingly, most of them hadn't seemed bummed they couldn't return home. They were just as excited as if they were willingly here.

However, being stuck with these campers hadn't always been glorious. After so long, you get tired of seeing the same faces day by day. For some people, at least.

Outside, Priya sat on the dock. When she first approached, she had taken notice that the debris had slowly been deteriorating after the years of time the structure had been there. Perhaps Chris didn't care to replace it.

No camper had been outside at the time. It was mid evening, as the sun just barely began to set across the horizon. The rays of light it gave off just lightly flickered over her gaze, as she looked off in the distance, stuck in her own mind.

The breakup between her and Caleb still stung. However, she knew if she tried to talk about it, she'd be led back to the reminder that she ended the relationship. But no one had seemed to realize it was for her own good.

She missed home, however it had only meant days before dealing with the wrath of her parents. It had been bad enough that she lost this season, however even worse the reason being she was distracted. That is not what they taught her.

The girl suppressed a sigh, as her legs dangled off the edge of the dock, just inches away from the large body of water below. You needed to end it, Priya kept telling herself. For both you, and him. But why did it still feel so wrong?

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As the sitting brunette stared across the large amounts of water, the light hues from the sunset meeting her gaze, she ever so slightly zoned out of her own thoughts, the world seemingly going quiet ..

.. that was, until she could hear light clacks of footsteps against the dock. With this, she instantly snapped out of her thoughts, as she turned her head, looking behind her.

Her brown eyes fell on the girl she called her best friend. One of the only people she had actually been regularly communicating with the past couple days. Millie.

"Heyy Priya," Millie approached Priya sheepishly, looking down ever so slightly from her gaze. In her hands, she held her typical notebook and a pencil. The brunette across the dock from her didn't seem to take much notice of this, however.

"Hey Millie, what's up?" Priya replied calmly, her head tilting to the side in question. Millie hesitated before answering, however soon ended the trail of thought in a minor shrug.

"I dunno." The girl huffed. "I was getting bored bering cooped up inside." Her eyes batted away, feeling suddenly embarrassed and anxious upon her arrival. Had she been bothering her? "..mind if I join you?"

The girl across would give her a slow nod of approval, before turning her gaze back along the large body of water. With a blink of appreciation, Millie stepped closer towards the other female, taking a seat next to her.

She held her notebook firmly in her hand, glancing down at it before looking up towards Priya. "Soooo, any particular reason you're out here? Something you'd like to talk about?" Millie would ask, ending her sentence in a short hum.

Priyas eyes batted from the water to Millie, biting the side of her cheek. She had been a bit hesitant speaking of her feelings. She'd known that out of all contestants, Millie would be the one to listen. However, a tickle of anxiety still brewed in her stomach, convincing her otherwise.

"Meh." The girl came to reply, shuffling around slightly on the dock. "I've just been thinking..reflecting," she'd answer, before returning her gaze to the hue of colors beyond the two.

Millie x Priya Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now