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Priya felt nervous. Now she had to explain herself. It was what Bowie advised her to do, but was it really the right thing to do? She didn't know. But she would soon find out.

"Well.." the brunettes voice trailed, trying to anxiously think of a place to begin. Why did a conversation like this have to be so awkward?

"What are your thoughts about being in a relationship? Honest ones." The teen tried her best to keep her voice steady, however her awkwardness seemed to cause it to dread drastically. Meanwhile, Millie looked around the room, taken aback by the sudden question.

"Umm.. as if I were to be in one or not? I mean, I would..but it depends on the person. They'd have to be well suited for me just as if I were a good fit for them, and-" she soon cut herself off, to avoid herself from going on a ramble. "What makes you ask?"

The brunettes eyes slightly widened, surprised by what her friend had to say. Surely, she should have expected that sort of reply from Millie, however it still hit her off guard.

"Oh. I um.." Priya stammered, looking at the floor as her hands clenched. "I have something I want to tell you."

Millie rose a slight eyebrow, however remained patient with her brunette friend. "Go on, take your time." She'd reply calmly, placing her hands on her lap as she gazed across the room at Priya.

The young teen let out a huff, still staring at the floor, before raising her gaze, looking towards Millies. "I really like you, Millie. I know this is so sudden and weird to hear, as I just broke up with Caleb a little less than a week ago, but I feel like I've always had just small amounts of feelings for you, and-"

She cut herself off upon seeing Millies shocked expression. Her heart sank, her nerves practically running spiral throughout her body. Across from her, Millie stood slowly, her gaze still locked on Priyas as a small smile of expression formed on her face. "I love you too, Priya."

Priyas anxiousness was soon replaced with sudden relief, the breath taken away from her. She let out a quiet gasp. "Really?" she managed to breathe out, as Millie took a seat beside her.

"I've never really thought too much of it until you were eliminated," the curly headed girl would admit, placing her hands on top of her knees. "But Bowie was asking me about it, and afterwards i've started to consider it. You just said it first," she looked over her shoulder at Priya, her warm smile yet to leave her face.

Meanwhile, Priya continued to stare at her with a glistening gaze, holding her fists tightly. "I spoke with Bowie too," she looked away for a mere second, however her eyes soon enough returned to Millies, hues of brown glittering as she gazed onto the girl beside her. "I'm just glad he was right."

Millie silently questioned what the brunette meant, however didn't think too much of it in the moment.

A natural silence fell over the two, in which lasted minutes. As awkward as it may seemed, neither girls minded it. They were just relieved the confrontation was over, and the fact it didn't take a tamper on their friendship.

"I've never had this sort of thing with anyone before," Millie was the first to speak. "I've read about people being in romantic relationships in books, but i've never had the experience myself. But for you.. i'm willing to give it a shot," the curly head glanced from the floor for a few moments, then back up at Priya, giving her a slight shrug of her shoulders.

The brunette smiled, finding herself flattered by her friends words. "I would like that," Priya replied, placing her palms together. "I think it would be better if we stayed on the downside about this for right now. Just because.. not everyone can be so accepting." Priyas smile drooped as she continued her sentence, pulling her gaze away from Millies for a few moments as she looked to the floor.

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