Short 2- An Unfortunate Elimination

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Notes: I hope you guys enjoyed my last story! I spent so many days writing it, but I am so happy to be moving onto Short 2! Enjoy:)

It was yet another elimination ceremony for the Total Drama Cast. Weeks ago, all 16 contestants were asked to make a return for the Total Drama Reboot. After many weeks of pain and torture, they had finally made it to Season 2's finale. The final four remained, in which being Priya, Caleb, Wayne, and Julia. It had been the night of another elimination, though this would be the last one until the finale. Whoever got eliminated on this very night would be leaving the island, with no one million dollars. After Duncan blew up the host, Chris McLeans private cottage, he had a new one rebuilt for the new eliminated players. There, they could watch in agony who would be getting the boot, and who would be joining them on this very night.
12 eliminated players were found around the area of the cottage, participating in various tasks. Tonight may have been the night of finding out who would be in the finale, however not too many of them seemed to care. They weren't winning the money, after all. Ripper, Chase, and Zee were hanging out outside by the newly built in pool, in which Nichelle and Axel were found chatting nearby. Bowie and Raj were inside the enlarged cottage, speciffically in the gathering room. Although he missed Wayne, he also seemed to enjoy his time spent with Bowie. Scary girl was no where to be seen..which is pretty typical. MK too. Meanwhile, Millie would be found with Damien in the kitchen.
"It's unfortunate you got voted off, Damien. Even worse that you lost your immunity idol!" Millie exclaimed, her eyes widening. They had been seated at some high-top countertops, sitting face to face. Damien let out an annoyed grunt. "You don't needa remind me! I'm bummed out enough that I lost that thing. It would have taken me to the finale! In fact..I'm not a threat to anyone!" He responded, his voice incredibly high pitched, showing his annoyance for the situation. Millie gave a concerned eye, though she could understand where the boy was coming from. "Who do you think would have taken it?" She'd ask out of curiousity. She expected Damien to get mad at her questioning, however he looked just as interested in the trail of thought as she was. "It has to be Julia! Either that or Caleb. It just has to!" Damien said, his arms moving with expression as he spoke. "Priya doesn't need the idol, she knows the game well enough to fly by without it. And Wayne is just.." He turned his head to the side, looking back. He had known Bowie and Raj had been around here. He looked back at Millie, his brows furrowing. "Well, he's Wayne." He'd give off a final shrug, as Millie nodded in understanding. "Yeah, that sounds accurate enough." Millie forced out the reply, as she got to thinking..what was going to happen at tonights elimination? She didn't mind who won.. not really, anyway. Of course she was rooting for her best friend, Priya, to win the money so she could finally go to med school. However, what if she got voted off at the last minute? To survive almost all of those grusome challenges, just to not make it out on top? She would know. She made third place on Total Drama last season with no reward, but that was different. She hadn't expected to win anyways; she didn't attend the show for the money. As the thoughts of how tonight could go came running in, she started to worry about her friend Priya just a little bit more. After just a few minutes, yelling could be heard outside of the cottage. "The elimination ceremony is here! It's time to see who is making it to the finale!" One shouted, however the sounding of their voice was muffled from the inside of the cottage. Millie and Damien both exchanged glances, as they headed to the outside of the cottage. Just outside, there was a large screen that had the view of the elimination ceremony campfire. The remaining four hadn't arrived just yet, but it made Millie wonder; could they see the remaining players this way back in Season 1? Had they always been watching the show, even after elimination? The question quickly left her mind as the final four arrived on screen. As all 12 eliminated contestants had their eyes glued on the large screen, the time to see who would get eliminated finally came. Chris, their host, had pulled out a tray, consisting of three marshmallows. Receiving one would lock in their spot in the finale..or so they all thought. As Chris instigated the scene, he began reading off the names. "Wayne, and're safe." He announced, as they both were tossed their marshmallows. Their smiles could be seen on the tv screen, as Raj began to cheer for his best friend. Millie glanced at the guy, who was over the moon for his bestie to make it to the finale, having a possible shot for the money prize. I felt like that once..and I might just feel like that again. As the suspenseful silence filled the crowd, Millies ears began to ring, worried for her best friend. Sure, she had won last season; it would be much more satisfying to have a new camper win. However..she knew why Priya wanted the money. She probably had the best reason for it out of anyone else! ...her heart sank as Chris hummed, beginning to read off the final name. "The last camper attending this seasons finale is.." He instigated, as his eyes locked on one particular girl. "Priya!" He announced, tossing Priya the last and final marshmallow. Millie's eyes widened, as a smile appeared on her face. Priya may have won last season, but no one here wanted Julia to win..everyone except for MK, at least. As Priya could be seen cheering on screen, rubbing it in her face, Julia rose to her feet. "Hurtful, Priya! Or at least it would be, if I didn't have this!" She announced, pulling out the Golden Chris Statue she had been hiding away from everyone else. Damien let out a horrified shriek, who was still standing right beside Millie. "I knew it! I knew it was her! She is pure evil!" He angrily shouted, his arms being thrown around in expression once more as he spoke. Millie wheezed, unsure of what to think.. That means Priya will be joining them. Here, she thought, as the thoughts slowly chipped away at her mind. As other campers had began to show their annoyance and anger for Julia now attending the finale, Millie began to walk away from the scene, heading towards the dock. As Millie came across the end of the dock, her heels tapping as she took each step along the debris below her feet, she could see the drone of dispair approaching them. Priya could be seen as it dragged her closer to the dock, a look of pure anger across her face. Millie looked at the girl anxiously, as it dropped her onto the dock in a harsh mannor. "Priya!" She shouted, quickly approaching the girl. Her first instinct was to hug her, however it didn't seem like the time. Not now. Priya breathed heavily, looking at the floor, then up at Millie. "That JERK!" She screamed in a tone full of anger. Mille slightly flinched, looking at the girl with wide and anxious eyes. As Priya continued to rant, going on about how she was going to get her revenge on Julia, Millie cut in. "Okay! Okay! That's enough!" She called out, snapping the attention of the still angry Priya. Millie had expected her to just continue yelling, or even to yell at her, however it never happened. She just stared at her, not saying a word. Millie let out a stressed sigh. "Lets.. get inside." She mumbled, as she looked back across the waters beyong the dock. Night had fell, as the moons reflection glistened across the large baths of water. After a few moments through her thoughts, she turned around, leading Priya inside the cottage. As they entered the cottage, they saw that many of the eliminated campers had been gathered inside. Many of them had broke off into small groups, discussing the topic of the finale, the elimination that just took place, and anything else revolving around the island. There was nothing else anyone could think about right now. Millie looked down at Priya, just to see the anger written all over her face. She wanted to say something to her to try and provide a sense of comfort to her best friend, however instead she just froze. She didn't know what could help Priya in this state; she had known her family had high expectations on her, which led to high expectations on herself. As the thoughts ran through her head, she had only then noticed a small group of previously eliminated campers approaching them.

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