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With Caleb's allowance, Priya advanced further into the tall boys room. From the feeling of their conversation, both parties had still remained tense interacting with one another. A slight chill ran down the back of Priyas spine, a sense of nervousness, as well as guilt.

Despite this feeling, Caleb still prompted the girl politely to take a seat. Remaining silent, Priya gave him a small dip of her head, before taking a seat on the side of the bed. Caleb took a seat next to her, however kept a respectful distance.

Awkward silence filled the air, the both of them glancing anxiously around the bedroom. Priya had known it would result in this way, it was one of the main reasons she didn't wanna be here.

"So," Caleb would start, his shoulders slumping. "What did you need to talk about?"

Priya slowly blinked, as if collecting her thoughts slowly with each blink. She lifted her chin, her eyes slightly narrowing, as she gazed across the bedroom. She hadn't dared to catch Caleb's eye.

"Something has been going on lately, and I thought it'd be right to make you aware." She'd quietly murmur, with an additional quiet hum. In response, Caleb simply cocked his head to the side, clearly confused by the words of the short female.

She placed her hands on her legs, feeling flashes of anxiety erupting in her stomach. Why had she let them convince her to do this? It wasn't worth it!

But at the same time, maybe it was. It would all be over soon, she kept telling herself. Soon enough. And then she can move on.

As the girl dug out her hands from her sides, she glanced over Caleb's way, just barely avoiding his gaze as she sighed. "I wanted to talk to you about this personally, to make sure I don't unintentionally hurt you in some way."

As Priya softly spoke, Caleb's eyes rounded a little, edging her to go on. The boy fiddled uncomfortably in his position, as Priya could see, as a large lump of guilt stayed snug at the bottom of her throat.

She quietly swallowed the nervous feeling away, as she shuffled around a bit, as if to feel less on edge. "I've.. figured out that i'm bisexual. At least, that's what I think. I don't really know yet." Priya would admit, lowering her gaze to the floor as she continued.

"I've questioned myself for quite a while, even while we were together. But I didn't want to leave you stranded in your head when everyone else comes to realize it.. it wouldn't be right." Her brows slightly furrowed, her voice becoming more straightened out as she spoke. Meanwhile, Caleb looked ahead, past the girl.

Surprisingly, he didn't look mad. Or upset. Not that she had thought he would react that way; however her nerves had convinced her otherwise, despite what was the reality.

He let out a small, suppressed sigh. "I understand." The boy unfolded from his originally slouched position, his gaze still fallen on Priya. "I appreciate you letting me know, instead of having me find out by myself."

Priya nodded slowly, her eyes slowly batting to meet Caleb's gaze. It was sad, a few weeks ago, she couldn't even look Caleb in the eyes without feeling a spark of love. Now, she couldn't look at him without a spark of anxiety and guilt.

"I just didn't wanna make you feel like you did something wrong. I don't mean to rub anything in your face," the girl would reply, her voice low, yet genuine. Meanwhile, Caleb replied simply in another nod.

"I appreciate that," he would repeat. "You don't have to worry about hurting me, though. I understand." The tall boy gave the girl a small smile of reassurance, but it was clear he hid a sense of pain, as if he missed what the two had just weeks ago.

Priya suppressed a huff. "Just because we aren't together doesn't mean we can't talk. You know that, right?" Sure, she too had been avoiding the young boy, however it was also understandable. She'd had a rough few days lately, although after this conversation finishes, she may just feel a bit better.

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