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Millie collapsed onto her bed with a huff, face planting into the sheets. Despite it still being just a start to her day, the girl had been left with mild exhaustion as well as stress.

As Priya followed behind her, her eyes widening by the sudden fall of her friend, she pointed towards the door. "I'll be right back.. I'm gonna go grab some water from downstairs. Want any?"

The brunette ended her sentence in a question, as Millie moved just slightly on her side, giving Priya a small nod. The girl took this in, giving a curt head shake before heading towards the door to their bedroom once more, walking out.

The moment Priya left, the opposing girl let out a low groan. Ever since her and Bowies conversation, it had been as if she had felt almost guilty when talking to Priya. It hadn't been her fault, but instead Millies herself. After all, it wasn't her fault she had feelings for her.

The thoughts had never felt so heavy up until Bowie brought them up. She'd never given her sexuality, nor her feelings about anything romantically too much thought. She never had to. She'd never dealt with any real emotional attraction.

Instead of feeling at peace with at least someone knowing of these feelings, just to have them out to someone, she was left with the feeling of anxiety, which only gave her more questions.

Would Bowie lie about keeping her secret? Would he tell Priya? If he did, how would she feel? Would she never want to talk to her again, finding her romantic attraction weird and misguiding?

The questions flowed through her mind, leaving her thoughts racing as she laid in bed. All she can do now is just hope Bowie would keep his word.

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The door quietly shut with a soft thud.Priya had stepped out of her bedroom, in which now had left her stranded alone in the long hallway.

It had been nearly silent; more silent than usual. It was almost uncomfortable. Perhaps no one felt like being social at this hour.

As she lightly trotted down the long hall, looking to the floor as she made her way down the stairs. She had expected to see no one, as the rooms she passed by had been merely quiet, as well as the fact they had just been down here and none of the teens were present.

However, her eyes soon fell on three teens. One of those she had seen a bit too frequently. Wayne, Raj, and Bowie.

She was slightly taken aback by their sudden appearance, however tried her best to shake the feeling away. Meanwhile, as she entered the room, all three boys heads turned towards the female.

Bowie was the first to speak, giving the girl a small, flashy smile. "Hello, Priya. Lovely to see you.. again?" He'd end his sentence in a question, which led to Priya to raise a slight brow.

Okay.. he had noticed their common interferences too. But did he really have to say it like that?

"Oh! Hey guys!" The brunette tried to put on a smile to hide her suspicion, which it seemed the two hockey bros bought. The two returned her smile, giving her a slight wave.

Priya had thought their brief conversation had been over. She went to take a few steps forward, ready to head towards the kitchen once more, until a voice had stopped her. The same one which made her jump just a few moments ago.

"Mmm, Priya.. can we talk?" Bowie stood from his seat on the couch, which only made Raj, who sat next to him, slightly confused. Meanwhile, Priya whipped around at the sounding of his voice, raising an eyebrow, both curiously and suspiciously. "Sure?"

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