Chapter Eleven

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Ashton couldn't describe how teleportation felt with enough words. He couldn't fathom how he felt as though he'd become disconnected from his own body—like he was floating above it. And when they finally came to, his head spun. He didn't dare to open his eyes until Beatrice promised they'd arrived.

To where?

Ashton blinked his eyes open slowly. Then he widened them when he failed to make sense of their surroundings. He turned around, taking in the room and searching his memories for anything that would make this familiar. That's when he noticed the temperature and shivered.

"You can find one of Richard's coats in his room," said Beatrice. "I am certain he won't mind. It is behind the staircase."

"His... room?" Ashton faced her again and drew his eyebrows together.

Beatrice smiled. "Welcome to the haven."

"Where are we?"

"In the Southern Eastern mountains where gelid is eternal." She wrapped her arms around herself. "I can start a fire for you."

Ashton gazed around a second time. "Richard didn't mention anything about this."

"He might have been waiting for me to bring you here to explain it myself. To keep our group safe and free to plan, we built this manor to have a place to escape to. Everything took us two years. It is not easy to convince people to work together to build something when they have little to no experience. And those who do have experience from their families become frustrated with everyone else.

"I had to recruit builders and pay them generously as most of them hardly wanted anything to do with me, my magic, or this weather. Losing many of my jewels was worth it, though. The builders also used their newfound wealth to flee the kingdom." Beatrice glanced upwards and sighed. "It is still not perfect. However, it keeps a roof over our heads and shields us from the snowstorms."

"You did not worry they would tell others about your magic?"

"At this point, I do not care who knows..." She turned her head, sighing. "Not even my mother."

Ashton rubbed his neck, unsure if he was supposed to hear that last part. "And Richard had me believing everyone merely met at the tavern."

"Occasionally, yes. It is safer here, though. Our soldiers can rest in peace or recover from battles. Either Maribel or I bring them here." Beatrice looked up and beamed. "Ah, it's as if she knew I had mentioned her."

Ashton whirled around and found Maribel standing at the top of the staircase. She gaped at him. He figured he should've been the one to be surprised. After what Richard had told him, seeing her now felt surreal.

Maribel descended the steps and stopped a few feet away from him. Her expression remained stoic as she spoke. "I'd heard rumors about your return. I was not sure whether to believe."

Ashton swallowed hard.

"I apologize for not informing you when we last saw each other, Mar," Beatrice said. "You left in such a hurry." She turned to Ashton. "Maribel has been assisting us. She's learned how to use magic with spells."

Ashton slid his eyes to hers. "Richard told me she was pretending to be with Inferum cantivat."

"Yes. She has learned their ways of fighting and their magic. She has gotten quite strong. It has worked in our favor so many times. That is how she can teleport people here, too. She has even taught me a few things." Beatrice stepped back and spread out her arms. "When I say we are safe here, I mean it. Nobody can find us here. It is protected by a spell using my blood."

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