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I finally fell asleep, but it took longer than I hoped because of all the nerves I was feeling. I was lying on my sleeping bag staring at the ceiling as the sun started to come up. I managed to drift off to sleep. Chris was right beside me the whole night and long before I was going to fall asleep, he rolled over and his arm fell on top of me. I froze and tried not to breathe. I think it would have been better if he did wake up so I could get out of this uncomfortable position; but I remained still. After about a half hour his arm finally moved, but it took me a while to calm down. Now I knew for sure that he had feelings for me and it made all of this difficult. I had a boyfriend now, someone good and kind, someone who wasn't always fighting with me and giving me mixed signals. Yet, Chris still fought for me and didn't care that I was taken. He had a whole jar of definitions- something he thought I would never find.

When I woke up late that afternoon, only Scott and Jesse were in the room. "Where is everyone?" I croaked out.

"Jenna is checking on her garden and Ian and Chris went to go get lunch." Scott said. I rubbed my eyes.

"Did I really sleep for that long?"

Jesse laughed. "No, we all just got up about thirty minutes ago, don't worry about it."

"Ok." I mumbled and then rolled over hopefully to get more sleep. I'm not that lucky though, Ian and Chris came running in yelling something. Jenna followed them up, immediately coming to sit by Jesse. He wrapped his arm around her and kissed her forehead. She blushed and smiled up at him. I hope Andrew and I can be like that one day.

Chris came to sit down next to me, handing me a McDonalds bag. "Is this all you guys ever get?" I asked, scrunching my nose.

He laughed. "Not good enough for the little rich girl?" Chris said smirking.

 "No, it's just that McDonalds gets boring after a while."

"Well we have a subway too, but this morning felt like a McDonalds kind of morning."

I shook my head, said thank you, and then dug into my burger. We all ate quietly for a while. I risked a glance at Chris a few times, and he was always looking at his shoes. I don't know if I should bring it up, but then that would mean he knew I was snooping around and I don't want to fight with him again. I decide to let it go, but I want to bring up that I'm serious with Andrew. Maybe then Chris will stop with the little notes.

We head back around 3, and I'm so exhausted so I end up sleeping a little bit. The road is bumpy but for some reason it brings me closer to sleep. Three Days Grace plays through the stereo and Jesse and Jenna laugh quietly together, stealing a few kisses, and Ian, Scott, and Chris sit talking near the front. The car almost jumps off the road when the biggest bump comes and any chance of me getting sleep is gone. I moan and roll over to look at Jenna and Jesse.

"Did you sleep ok last night?" Jenna asks.

I shake my head. "I was worried about stuff."

"No one is ever going to catch you in there." Jenna said, trying to reassure me. I smile, I wish that was what I was worried about.

"Yeah, you're right." I say instead. I look around and my hand falls on her wrist, it's facing up and the "And Back" tattoo is there. I sit up and furrow my eyebrows. "Hey, what's the meaning of your tattooo?"

She looks surprised but then a warmth covers her face. She snuggles closer to Jesse. Jesse rolls his sleeve up and on his upper arm are three words: "To The Moon". Jenna puts her wrist next to his arm and the font is the exact same. She explains, "We have been together for three years now. Last year we told each other we loved one another and decided we would celebrate with this." She smiles, beaming up at him.

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