Chapter 8- Lost Secrets and Burning Photos

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"Where could the book have gone? Who could have taken it?"

His mind was consumed with uncertainty, as he struggled to comprehend the sudden disappearance of the book. Despite the overwhelming despair that threatened to engulf him, he remained resolute in his determination to retrieve the book before those with shady intentions could seize it.

Diya noticed that Caleb seemed anxious and decided to approach him, "Hey, is everything alright?" she asked in a soft tone.

Caleb leaned in and whispered, "I can't find the book."

"What do you mean, it's missing? How could that happen all of a sudden?" Diya asked, concern in her voice.

Caleb scoured every corner of the basement, but the book was nowhere to be found. He realized how serious the situation was. The book contained secret knowledge that could be dangerous if it got into the wrong hands. Diya observed the anxiety etched on Caleb's face and sensed that something was amiss.

"Caleb, did you find the book yet?" she asked firmly, her tone filled with determination.

Caleb nodded, his eyes filled with a mixture of fear and desperation. "No, Diya. I can't seem to find it."

Diya turned to Caleb suddenly and uttered, "Wait, what do we do with that book if we get it?"

"We will decide that later. Now, we have to make sure that we find the book so that no one gets hurt," Caleb whispered into Diya's ears.

"Alright," she finally replied, her voice filled with determination. "Let's find that book, Caleb."

As Diya cautiously scanned the dimly lit basement, her heart began to race with worry. Tabitha and Brianne were nowhere to be found. The vastness of the basement seemed to stretch out endlessly, leaving her feeling a sense of unease. The absence of Tabitha, her best friend, only added to her growing concern.

Diya's heart pounded as her mind raced with all the possible scenarios that could have unfolded in this complicated space. The mere thought of Tabitha and Brianne taking a wrong turn and getting hopelessly lost sent waves of fear through her body, causing shivers to run down her spine.

As her heart raced with each step, the darkness in the basement seemed to suffocate her. She called out for Tabitha and Brianne, her voice trembling with fear as it echoed through the maze of boxes and forgotten belongings.

"Hey, Diya! Looks like they've already gone back up," Caleb called out, catching the sound of their conversation drifting from the floor below.

Diya had her ears perked up like a bunny trying to listen in on the living room conversation from the basement. It was like a game of 'Chinese Whispers' except she wasn't sure if it was laughter or catfight she was hearing. Maybe she should have invested in high-tech spy equipment to eavesdrop more effectively.

With a convincing tone, she called out, "Hey, guys! I can hear you up there! What's all the laughter about? Mind filling me in on the joke?"

As Diya waited alone in the basement, she suddenly heard some shuffling footsteps and the creaking of the staircase. To her surprise, Tabitha and Brianne appeared at the bottom of the stairs, their faces flushed with amusement. It seemed like they were up to something funny, and Diya couldn't help but feel a little curious about what they had been up to.

Unable to contain her anger, Tabitha said, "Diya, you won't believe what happened! Brianne tried to sneak in this photo for her use and I caught her in time."

Brianne quickly said, "Like as if you would get me red-handed, Tabitha."

Caleb, who happened to be standing right behind Diya, leaned in from the back and stole a glance at the photo Tabitha held in her hand. It was the ritual altar! In a swift motion, he firmly shut the basement door and moved closer to get a better look at the picture. Brianne was holding a photo he knew would lead to bigger problems.

Once Diya grabbed the picture from Tabitha's hand, something peculiar happened, the edges of the photo began to burn. Initially, it was just a tiny flame, but as moments passed, the fire intensified, growing larger and larger. The heat became unbearable for Diya, who promptly released the scorching photo, letting it fall onto the floor with a startled shriek.

Diya couldn't help but exclaim, "What on earth!" She couldn't look away from the horrifying sight ahead of her.

Tabitha and Brianne's eyes widened in disbelief, their jaws dropping in shock. Diya couldn't help but be taken aback by the extraordinary sight, her heart pounding in her chest. Yet, amidst the chaos and confusion, she couldn't help but notice Caleb's fidgety behaviour. He stood there, stirring his coffee as if the unexplainable burning of the photo meant something serious and dreadful to him.

Diya believed that he possessed some crucial facts that nobody else had. He seemed to be holding the key to unravel the mystery that had puzzled everyone. It was interesting, yet slightly unsettling. His behavior was so unusual that it left those around him feeling both captivated and uneasy, wondering what it was that he knew that Diya did not.

As the room was all, buzzing with questions and stuff, Diya couldn't help but think, "I'm gonna keep a close eye on this dude, man. Gotta figure out what's really going on behind that fidgety act of his."  

Diya couldn't help but notice Caleb's hands shaking as he lifted his coffee cup to drink. It seemed like he was trying to hide something and was afraid of getting caught. Diya wondered what could be causing Caleb's unusual behavior but decided not to ask him in front of Tabitha and Brianne, who were still in shock after witnessing something strange. Perhaps Caleb had something to do with it, and Diya didn't want to alert him that she was onto him. It was definitely suspicious, and Diya couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss.


💕Hey there! Do you have any thoughts on what Caleb could be hiding from Diya? He seemed pretty fidgety when he saw the photo in Tabitha's hand. What's your take on this? Any ideas? Let's brainstorm!

Your feedback is highly appreciated. Thank you for reading! ❤️

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