Chapter 10- The Devil's Grip

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A sudden gust of wind caused the window to swing open with a loud bang, shattering the glass in Brianne's room. The sound echoed throughout the room, jolting Brianne from the door and making her fall backward in shock. As she got up to close the window, she felt a chill run down her spine. When she turned around, she saw a dark, eerie presence looming in the shadows of the room. To make it worse, it seemed to be watching her every move, and she couldn't shake off the feeling that she was not alone. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up, and her heart started to race as she realized that something was wrong.

She desperately tried to scream for help, but to her horror, not a single sound escaped her muted voicebox. It was as if she was trapped in a nightmare, with the devil himself looming over her, ready to take her away to the darkest depths of hell. The silence was deafening, and the fear that crept into her heart was suffocating. Every second that passed felt like an eternity, and she knew that her fate was sealed unless she found a way to break free from the devil's grasp.

She couldn't believe that it was the devil himself who came into the room with a gush of wind till she saw it in the mirror in front of her. With his eyes shining bright and an intense gaze, he stands in a hazy darkness, captivating those who dare to meet his look. His voice is soothing and charming, enchanting and mesmerizing all who listen.

He has a deceptive nature that is reflected in his appearance. He was tall and impressive, and his presence inspired both admiration and fear. He has black hair that is styled sleekly, which conceals the twisted horns curling menacingly from his temples. His face is striking and attractive, but it is also cruel and wicked, and he wears a captivating smile that masks his harmful intentions.

In this intense and gripping moment, he harshly pushed her onto the bed, his touch both firm and commanding. As he settled himself atop her, his gaze locked onto hers, filled with an undeniable intensity that sent shivers down her spine. Those piercing black eyes held no ounce of mercy, revealing a captivating power that left her breathless.

With intentional slowness, he leaned in, his every movement oozing sensuality. His tongue traced an irresistible path along her neck, igniting a fire within her that she desperately tried to suppress. Despite her instinct to call for help, her voice seemed to betray her, as if held captive by an unseen force. It was as if the devil himself had cast a spell of silence upon her, causing her powerless to resist his advances.

Struggling against his powerful grip, she fought to break free, her every muscle straining against his hold. But to her dismay, he effortlessly kept her pinned down, his strength overpowering her own. His tail swayed from side to side, a subtle yet undeniable display of his dominance.

At this moment, it became clear that resistance was useless. His convincing presence commanded her attention, leaving her with no choice but to surrender to his desires. The persuasive force of his touch and the undeniable allure of his gaze left her questioning her own willpower. 

The devil looked deeply into her eyes and spoke with a commanding voice that demanded attention.

"You are a sinner!" even the most skeptical minds were convinced by his weighty words.

Brianne, caught in the clutches of his overpowering grip, felt a surge of uncertainty wash over her. His presence was so strong that it made her doubt her own determination and feel uncertain about how to respond. His tone had planted seeds of doubt in her mind that threatened to unravel everything she held dear. 

As the night progressed, she felt her eyelids getting heavier and heavier. The cursed book lying on the table started flipping its pages frantically as a sudden gust of wind blew into the room. Despite her best efforts to stay awake, she found herself unable to fight off the drowsiness.

Brianne lay there, completely unconscious and defenseless, when she felt a sudden presence close to her. She could feel the warmth of another body pressing against hers and heard a low whisper in her ear. It was a dark and eerie moment as if something sinister had taken over the room. At that moment, all she could do was lay there, helpless and vulnerable, until the whispers and the presence abruptly stopped, leaving her alone in the silence.

As she lay on the bed, completely unconscious, the devil unexpectedly burst through the shattered window. Strangely enough, as he exited the room, the fragmented pieces of glass magically reassembled themselves, appearing as if they were never broken that night. To make matters even stranger, the cursed book was conveniently placed next to her motionless body on the bed.

The devil, with his cunning and perceptive nature, recognized the vulnerability of Brianne's soul. He saw it as unfit for the luxury of life on this planet, a sinned soul. In his twisted logic, he decided to bolt with her soul, whisking it away to a realm far removed from the realm of the living.

With a convincing certainty, the devil made his move, claiming Brianne's soul as his own. The decision was made with complete conviction, leaving no room for doubt. She felt trapped in a dark place, where she would be forever stuck with her thoughts and soul. It was like the devil's domain, a place of deep darkness that consumed her.

And so, Brianne remained oblivious to her tragic fate, forever lost in a realm void of light and hope. The devil's grip on her soul was unyielding, his malevolence convincing in its determination. As the world moved on, unaware of the loss that had befallen Brianne, her soul remained forever entangled in the clutches of darkness, a chilling reminder of the power of the devil's persuasion.

Brianne found herself in complete darkness, unsure of her whereabouts. Her mind was overwhelmed with echoes of bone-chilling screams and heart-wrenching cries. It felt as though the intensity of those haunting sounds could drive her to the point of gouging her own eyes out. Negativity consumed her thoughts, compelling her to undertake self-destructive actions. Paralyzed with fear, Brianne realized she was unable to move, and the only sound that accompanied her in the darkness was the ominous clanking of a metal chain trailing behind her.

Then, she caught sight of the devil right in front of her, and to her surprise, she realized she wasn't standing or even walking, but rather kneeling and inching forward. It was as if the devil had a firm grasp on a metal chain in his hand, pulling her along. It slowly dawned on her that she had become nothing more than a mere slave to the devil, obediently trailing him wherever he went. This acknowledgment sent a shiver down her spine, acknowledging that he had full control over both her actions and thoughts.


💕Hey! Could the devil claim the right to take her soul along? Was the devil taking her soul to teach her a lesson?

Your feedback is highly appreciated. Thank you for reading! ❤️

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