Chapter 9- A Desperate Sacrifice

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Caleb suddenly nudged Diya and gestured towards Brianne's shoulder. Diya was taken aback by what she saw - a mysterious tattoo etched on Brianne's skin. It was surprising because Diya knew that Brianne never believed in tattoos. The tattoo looked cryptic and mysterious as if it held a secret that only a select few could decipher.

"How could this be? What did it mean?" Diya thought to herself seeing the tattoo on Brianne.

"Caleb, I'm really curious. How did you know that she would have a tattoo on her shoulders? And what other secrets do you know about this cursed mansion?" Diya asked with her curiosity piqued.

Caleb swiftly pulled Diya aside, away from the others, and urgently said, "Diya, we must find the book. Her life depends on it."

Diya looked at Caleb, curiosity filling her eyes, and asked, "Can you tell me everything you know about the mansion before I listen to your thoughts?"

Caleb paused for a moment, pondering the question, before answering with a convincing tone, "Right now, we need to save Brianne from the White Devil's clutches."

Surprised, Diya questioned, her voice filled with concern, "Wait, what do you mean by that?"

"She has been marked by the White Devil, Diya," Caleb responded, his voice unwavering and determined. "We need to find a way to quickly retrieve the cursed book from the hidden chamber or-" his voice cracked.

Diya's hazel eyes, with flecks of gold and green, gazed unwaveringly into Caleb's chiseled and angular face as if searching for a glimpse of his innermost thoughts and emotions. Her eyebrows slightly furrowed, betraying a sense of intensity and focus, as she tried to read any hint of hesitation, doubt, or uncertainty in his demeanor. The air around them was charged with an unspoken tension, as they both stood there, silently scrutinizing each other with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

Taking a deep breath, Diya nodded, her voice filled with curiosity, "Or what, Caleb?"

"Once the White Devil takes hold of the soul, it is never returned to the body," Caleb spoke with a heavy heart.

Caleb's words echoed through the air, causing Diya's eyes to widen in shock and disbelief. She felt her heart race and her breath hitch as a chill ran down her spine, prompting an intense feeling of fear to take hold of her.

"Well, this is awkward," said Diya, trying to break the tension, "I didn't know we were having a meeting with Satan today."

Later that day, in the wee hours of the night, after Diya panicked that Brianne had marked the devil, Diya couldn't shut her eyes to sleep but Caleb was busy making the couch his snorechestra. It was a symphony of snores that even the neighbors could hear and there was another person who was also struggling to fall asleep. Brianne couldn't sleep since she had the cursed book with her and was afraid that the devil would take her soul to punish her. She had tried everything she could think of, from potions to prayers, but nothing seemed to work. Frustrated and exhausted, she began to research her phone, delving into old books and scrolling online from the dark net to find a solution.

Despite feeling exhausted and battling a foggy mind, Brianne refused to give up. She was fueled by an unwavering determination to break the curse and pushed herself to continue despite her weariness. The strain of her efforts was evident in the weariness of her eyes, but her inner strength kept her going. After a long and arduous search, she finally stumbled upon the answer she had been seeking. It was a powerful spell, hidden away within the yellowed and musty pages of an ancient tome. Despite the passage of time, the spell still promised to be effective in reversing the effects of the cursed tattoo that had been haunting her for so long.

As her eyes traced the ancient words on the screen, Brianne felt a shiver run down her spine. A glimmer of hope flickered in her heart, but the more she read, the more she realized the dark and ominous price the spell demanded. It was a steep and perilous one, one that would call for sacrifices beyond her imagination. Brianne knew that the decision to take the risk was not an easy one, and she would have to delve deep into her soul before making a choice.

The spell required a sacrifice which is a pure soul, willingly given. Brianne's heart sank as she realized she wasn't exactly a pure soul, acknowledging that she had been unkind to Diya and Tabitha over the years. However, when it came to pure souls, the only person that came to mind was Diya Isabella Brown. 

The moment she realized what her next course of action was, she felt a sense of betrayal. She got up from the bed, her heart heavy with guilt, and went to find Diya. As much as it pained her, she knew what she had to do - make a heartless sacrifice and offer Diya to the devil - all to break free from the curse and save herself. The thought of betraying her friend made her feel sick to her stomach, but she saw no other way out.

She paced back and forth between her room and Diya's room, feeling guilty and hesitant about how to approach Diya. She knew that she had to talk to Diya, no matter how Diya and others might perceive her later. She had to save Diya from the devil's clutches before it was too late.

She retreated to her room, plopped down on the bed, and pondered how to persuade Diya to spend the night in her room. As she contemplated intensely, suddenly, she sensed a gentle whisper caressing her ears.

"Murderer!" came the faint whisper in a raspy voice.

Brianne glanced nervously over her shoulder to see who was there, but to her surprise, the room was empty that night. A shiver crept down her spine as she realized she was all alone, but she quickly dismissed her wild thoughts. However, the unsettling voice returned, louder and clearer this time. Startled, Brianne leaped out of bed and hurriedly made her way to the room's door for a swift escape. Her heart pounding, she desperately tried to open it, only to find that it was firmly shut, denying her any chance of getting outside.

She spun around, tears streaming down her face, and her heart raced in her chest. A gripping fear of losing her life consumed her that night, and she desperately pleaded to be set free, seeking forgiveness. But unfortunately, nothing changed. The voice continued echoing in her ears, driving her to madness as she frantically struggled to open the door to escape.

As she battled to free herself, these hurtful words persisted in playing on a loop in her mind, "You don't deserve her! You are a sinner! Go to hell!" 


💕Hey there! Can you imagine what Brianne must have felt when she heard Satan's ominous raspy voice that fateful night? It's quite chilling to even think about it, don't you think?

Your feedback is highly appreciated. Thank you for reading! ❤️

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