20 - Jedi Saiyan

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<Avip: I'm still learning how to write fights and the ending was a little rushed... but as my father said "the perfect is the enemy of the good".>




[Nora Valkery]

"REN!" I shout, opening the door. "You lost the duel for our fearless leader's hand."

As I entered the dimly lit room, I was taken aback by what I saw. The entire space was illuminated by candles, and a peculiarly set table caught my eye.

The table showcased an interesting sight. In the center, golden pancakes with maple syrup took the spotlight. Surrounding them were crispy bacon and a variety of eggs, scrambled and poached.

"Is this breakfast for dinner?" I murmured in surprise.

"Nora?" I heard a male voice from the corner of the room.

I turned to see Lie Ren, my childhood friend, emerging from the darkness in a way I had never seen before.

He was donning a peculiar shirt, a changshan, red with golden details, and it hit me right in the heart.

"Aaaah..." I involuntarily sigh.

Ren was already handsome, but in this traditional Mistralian outfit, he transformed into something... delicious.

The vibrant red accentuated every line of his face, making his skin seem even more radiant. The golden details added a touch of sophistication, as if he were a walking piece of art.

My heart beats faster than I swing my hammer against a horde of Beowolves.

Every movement of Ren was a blend of gracefulness and confidence, as if he were dancing through the room towards me. The changshan highlighted his strong shoulders and imposing posture, making him irresistible.

I was speechless.

"What is this?" I ask, still in disbelief.

"It's a surprise for you." He says shyly. "I wanted to have a private talk with you. With Pyrrha in the infirmary and Jaune in the city with Cardin, I thought it was a good opportunity."

Besides surprise, I also felt nervous. I didn't know what Ren was planning, fear and anxiety were bubbling in my mind.

"I know this is sudden." He continues. "But...I've always loved you, Nora, as a friend and a sister."

I instinctively shrink back in disbelief.

'All this just to put me in the friend zone? I get pancakes and friendzone?' With despair and depression clouding my mind, tears welled up in the corners of my eyes.

"But over time, I couldn't help but notice how you've grown into this beautiful and wonderful person that you are." He takes a deep breath while looking into my eyes. "But I was always afraid to talk to you about it, afraid that these new feelings wouldn't be reciprocated, and you would want to pull away."

Now, hope returned, dispelling all the negative emotions. This must be the greatest emotional rollercoaster I've experienced in my life.

"But you know me better than anyone, know that I'm not good at talking, especially about my feelings." Ren says, looking at the floor feeling embarrassed. "However, in this last month at Beacon, I had the opportunity to talk to someone, and I realized it would be worse to say nothing and suffer in silence."

"Ren, what are you-"

"I love you, Nora." He says smiling at me. "Not just as a sister or a friend... I love you as the beautiful woman you are."

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