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May 21st 2019 / 3 days later Tuesday

Tzuyus POV

My penthouse

I was preparing to surprise Mina with a romantic dinner. The soft glow of candles and the gentle melodies of a jazz playlist filled the air, creating an ambience of intimacy and warmth. I meticulously arranged a bouquet of Mina's favourite flowers on the dining table, their sweet fragrance wafting through the room. The table was adorned with elegant silverware, crystal glasses, and porcelain plates, each chosen with care to create the perfect setting for our evening together. In the kitchen, the aroma of a homemade meal filled the air. I had spent hours preparing Mina's favourite dishes, wanting every element of tonight to be a reflection of the love and appreciation I felt for her. As the final touches came together, I couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement and nervousness. I wanted everything to be perfect for Mina, to show her just how much she meant to me. With a glance at the clock, I saw that it was almost time for her to arrive. I smoothed down the fabric of my dress, took a deep breath, and double-checked the details one last time. When the doorbell rang, my heart skipped a beat. I rushed to answer it, my eyes lighting up as Mina entered the penthouse. 


She looked stunning in a dress that seemed to capture the very essence of her beauty.

"Surprise!", I exclaimed, a wide smile spreading across my face.

Mina's eyes widened with delight as she took in the romantic setup.

"Tzuyu, this is amazing! What's all this for?", she asked, a mixture of surprise and gratitude in her voice.

I stepped forward, taking her hand in mine.

"It's for us, for this moment", I replied.

"I wanted to create a special night just for you and me".

Minas POV

Dining Room

I couldn't help but be touched by her thoughtfulness. The love and appreciation radiating from every corner of the room enveloped me like a comforting embrace. The flutter of excitement in her eyes mirrored the anticipation that bubbled within me. As we sat down to the beautifully set table, the fragrant bouquet of flowers serving as a centrepiece, a delicious feast awaited us. 

"Did you cook this all?", I asked as I saw my favourite dishes.

"Yes. I'm not a great chef but I follow tutorials", she said.

Tzuyu had prepared my favourite dishes, a symphony of flavours that spoke volumes about the effort she had put into tonight.

"You are amazing".

"Well do you want to do the honours?", she asked lifting up the food on the fork.

 I smiled.


~ Time Skip ~

"Tzuyu, this is incredible. You've truly outdone yourself", I praised between bites, genuinely touched by the effort she had poured into the evening.

She grinned, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of joy and relief.

"I just wanted everything to be perfect for you. I well just wanted to express my love".

I reached out to her hands.

"Oh you're still wearing the ring", she said.

"Of course, it's pretty and a symbol of love".

I smiled looking at the ring on her finger.

"You like it", I said.

"Yes, it is my first time having a couple of items".


"Yes", she said.

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