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February 27th  2020 / 1 month and 2 days later Wednesday

Minas POV

At the funeral

The sombre atmosphere weighed heavily upon me as I made my way to the funeral service for Tzuyu, my heart heavy with grief and regret. Despite the pain of our past, I couldn't bear the thought of not saying goodbye to her properly, of not paying my respects to the woman who had held my heart in her hands.


As I entered the solemn hall, the air thick with sorrow, I felt a pang of guilt wash over me. Memories of our time together flooded my mind, mingling with the raw ache of loss that gnawed at my soul. But my sombre reverie was abruptly shattered as I caught sight of Sana, standing at the entrance with a look of contempt on her face. Before I could even approach, she strode over to me, her eyes blazing with anger.

"What are you doing here, Mina?", she spat, her voice dripping with venom.

"You have no right to be here. You killed her".

I opened my mouth to respond, to plead my case, but before I could utter a word, she grabbed me by the arm and forcibly dragged me towards the door. The eyes of the mourners followed us, their whispers of disapproval ringing in my ears like a painful refrain.

"Sana, please", I pleaded, my voice barely above a whisper.

"I just want to say goodbye to her".

But Sana's grip only tightened, her resolve unyielding as she pushed me out into the cold embrace of the outside world.

Outside the church

Tears pricked at my eyes as I watched the doors close behind me, the finality of the moment sinking in with crushing force. Alone and adrift, I turned to leave, the weight of my sorrow threatening to overwhelm me. But just as I took my first step away from the church, a small figure darted out from the crowd and rushed towards me. It was Jungtzu, Tzuyu's young son, his tear-stained face a heartbreaking mirror of my own grief. Without hesitation, he threw himself into my arms, his sobs echoing in the stillness of the air.

"Mina", he cried, his voice choked with emotion.

"Please don't go. I need you".

My heart shattered into a million pieces at his words, the weight of his grief mingling with my own. Without a second thought, I gathered him into my arms, holding him.


I looked up and saw Jungkook.

"Oh, he's here. Thank god".

"Are you going to stay?", jungkook asked.

"I'm not allowed Sana won't let me".

"She doesn't decide that", he said annoyed.

"It's fine I'll come later when she's not here", I said.

"You can stay beside me".

"Ill come alone...".

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