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May 23rd 2019 / 2 days later Thursday

Minas POV


The gym, usually my sanctuary, felt suffocating today. As I stepped in, the air seemed thick with tension, and my heart clenched at the sight before me. There she was, my sister Sana, flirting shamelessly with Tzuyu. Their shared a history, one that I couldn't erase no matter how hard I tried. How they used to be intimate together. Tzuyu, tried to focus on her workout, her attempts to avoid Sana's advances palpable. But my jealousy, like a raging storm, clouded my judgment, and I couldn't hold back. I stormed over.

"Leave her alone, Sana", I snapped, my voice sharp with irritation.

I could feel the weight of the tension between us, suffocating me like a heavy blanket. Sana's smirk only fueled the fire within me.

"Why should I listen to you, Mina? You've already taken everything from me", she shot back, her words cutting through the air like a knife.

My blood boiled at her accusation, at the way she dismissed my feelings as if they didn't matter.

"I didn't take anything from you, Sana. Tzuyu is with me now, and you need to respect that. You're the one who decided to have zero romantic relationships with her. But oh as soon as she decided to have one you annoyed", I retorted, my voice trembling with anger and hurt.

"At least I'm not a slut. You're having an affair and you don't even care".

The accusation stung like a slap to the face, and I felt a surge of shame and guilt wash over me. Before the tension escalated further, Tzuyu stepped in, pulling me away from the confrontation.

"Love, let's take a breather. How about we focus on our workout together?", she suggested, her voice gentle and calming.

"How is the home gym coming?", I asked.

"It's getting there soon we can just work out there".

She pecked my cheek. I smiled looking at her.

"Come on let's work out together".

~ A few minutes later ~

Tzuyus POV


We started with a set of crunches, our movements synchronized as we pushed ourselves to the limit. Mina's dedication was evident in every repetition, her form impeccable.

"You're doing great, Love! Keep it up!", I encouraged her.

As we moved on to planks and leg raises, the intensity of the workout increased. But with Mina by my side, I felt invincible, fueled by her unwavering support and the shared goal of becoming stronger together.

~ Time Skip ~

With sweat glistening on our skin and our muscles screaming in protest, we pushed through the final set of exercises. Collapsing onto the mats, panting and exhausted. I looked at her.

"Never do abs again".

I chuckled. 

"I won't be able to stay tonight".



"Okay. Just message me when you can", I said.

"Of course".

I smiled.

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