Technical difficulties

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The lights hit the stage and you come alive like a spark. You run on stage ready to get this little concert going.

"How's Hell doing tonight!!" You shout at the crown and they all go nuts. You're surprised so many people came to watch you perform only one song.

"Well I hope you demons are ready for my newest song! it's completely original and it's something you've never seen from me before!!" The crowd again goes wild. You grab the microphone to keep your hands from shaking and wait for the music to start.

Seconds go by with complete silence. More seconds go by and you realize the music is delayed. You turn your head and see Charlie and Angle Dust having trouble with the sound. You feel yourself panic and all you can hear is the pounding in you ears. You look out at your crowd, everyone seems confused. Then you eyes land in Husk who is in the front row gazing up at you. He gives you a thumbs up and a smile. It makes you relax a bit. Then you get an idea.

You just start to sing. No music to back you up. You go off script and ditch the song you originally wrote. You sing about wanting to find yourself again and the twisted road of being someone your not. You sing your absolute heart out and the crowd starts clapping along with the beat. Then you feel as though electricity is zipping through your veins. You try to keep it going by putting you vocal cords to the test but it's worth it. You feel as though you are glowing, changing in to a new person.

After the song you're out of breath and the crowd stays silent for a few moments but burst into applause. You look down at Husk who is just staring at you with his mouth open and his eyes wide open. You turn to the rest of the crowd and say

"Thank you for all your support over the years. I hope y'all have a great night!!" With that you leave the stage a bit disappointed. You didn't get a single flash back.

You walk back stage to see Alastor waiting you. He gets up to greet you but he freezes mid way through. You watch as his eyes go wide and his smilie drops from his face. This startles you because you've never seen Alastor without his signature toothy grin. Alastor looks absolutely terrified. He says nothing and just walks in to the shadows and disappears. You try to get a word out but before you can, he's already gone. You have no idea what that was about until you look at yourself in the mirror.

You see a different person. You have more grayish skin the before. Your eyes are no longer black but a velvet red. Then your hair is more blonde now and it fades to red at the bottom and the top. Then at the top of your head you have two fluffy ears that strangely resemble a deer's. Then suddenly your wall blocking your memories crumbles and everything comes flooding back to you like a waves crashing over you.

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