Battle Ready

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A few weeks go by and things around the hotel are chaotic. Charlie just stays in her room all day and everyone else is pestering Vaggie about her being an angel. You and Husk are trying to work things out but it's certainly not easy but it's something you believe is worth fighting for.

You sit down at one of the barstools and Husk doesn't even have to look up to know who it is

Husk says "How are you doing today Liz".

You say "Oh just absolutely fanatic, how about yourself?"

He says "Oh you know just loving the dream as always".

You both share a little smile but it quickly fades. The extermination date is getting closer and closer. Everyone is stressed out about it.

Suddenly green streaks with Symbols line the walls and everyone is freaking out, especially Vaggie you sprints upstairs.

You turn to Husk and say "What the Hell was that about?"

He says "Well it looks like Alastor just made a powerful deal, with Charlie".

You feel like you should be shocked but you're not. Alastor specializes in deals so it made sense that him and Charlie struck up a deal. The real question is what for?

You see Charlie, Alastor and Vaggie walk down stairs and everyone is staring at them like they grew another head. Charlie announces that she's going to fight the angel army because she found out that we can kill them.

This changes a lot of things but she explains more that we can only harm them if we use their own angelic weapons which well try to get form Carmilla. She's says that she's going out to get more people to fight and she understands if we aren't here when she gets back because we could die but I know for a fact no one is leaving.

Alastor walks up to you and says "Hello dear would you mind accompanying us to Cannibal Town". You haven't been there in a few weeks so you gladly take the offer.

The walk to Cannibal Town felt long. Charlie never shut up about her a Vaggie's relationship problems but you try to help the best you can because Al is absolutely no help at all.

You get there at about lunch time so it's very busy. The rooms is filled to the brim and you can barely move but as soon as  Alastor steps through the doors, Rosie immediately bee lined toward him

She says "Oh Alastor it's so good to see you again and- OH who have you brought with you?"

Alastor introduces Charlie to Rosie and the swings a few jokes at them that Alastor didn't even get which literally made your whole day. Then she lays eyes on me.

She says "Oh Elisabeth it's so good to see you again! I've missed your face here so much! How have you been doing these days? Then she gives you a big hug.

You say "Hey Rosie it's good to see you too and I've been doing pretty well thank you".

Rosie says "Oh I think it's so funny how you walked through those doors and I didn't even know who you were. You look so much like your brother".

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