An unforgettable past. part 2

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*Still a flashback*

Your head feels really dizzy as a bright light hits your eyes. You look up to see huge golden gates standing in front of you.

Then you hear an angelic voice "Hello I'm Peter! What's your name dear!"

Your head is still spinning and you're not sure what's happening. "Um my names Elisabeth Broussard".

The angel flips through his book "Yep here you are. Welcome to heaven Elisabeth!"

HEAVEN! You thought to yourself. I'm I dead? You watch as the gates swing open to a beautiful city. You walk through memories are slowly coming back to you and you remember the car accident and your brother's screams. A pit in your stomach forms. You feel bad for your brother. He's all alone now.

An angel escorts you to a grand blue house. You walk in and to your surprise your mom is in the kitchen cooking.

You run and hug her so tight you could have snapped her spine.

She looks like some kind of deer but, you can still tell it's your mom. She says "Oh my Lizzie you died! You poor thing but, I'm so glad to see you again!"

You tell your mom about how you died and what you did after she died. Your mom was so proud of you for your career knowing that she has raised two amazing kids.

You had a million questions for her. you ask Why do you look like a deer you asked. She said "You take a form after you die that resembles how you died. I died from eating raw venison and now I'm a deer."

You look in the mirror and you're also a deer looking creature. You don't know how that can be possible until you realize "Deer in headlights". Ha ha very funny you thought.

Years later one of mom's old friend passed away, her name is Dina and she's visiting at our house. We talked for a while about life and then she says

"So where's your other boy....his name was Alastor right?"

You and your mom share a confused look and she says "He still living I believe, why?"

Dina looks at my mom shocked and says "Oh no he died from some crazy hunter who shot him like 3 months ago."

Your mom stays silent for a while and says "Well I haven't seen him at all."

You are your mom look all over heaven trying to find your brother but he's now here to be found. You and your mom come sadly to the conclusion that he must be in Hell. You're terribly upset because you'll never see your dear brother again. You have no clue what landed him in Hell. Your scared for him because he was always to nice and you know he won't last in Hell.

You become depressed. You don't really leave the house and all you can think about is your poor brother being tortured in Hell. You've known him all your living life and you know he's not cut out for hell but he'll survive because no one can die in the afterlife so maybe there will be a way to see him once again. To keep yourself busy you start to help out around the high church where the Seraphim's live. You help carry papers, reports and clean from time to time.

One day you were mopping the marble floors and you hear Adam from a distance yelling his   profanities. "You know those demon fuckers are starting to put up a real fight down there. It's been the most fun fight in years!"

You have no idea what this guy is talking about but you keep listening.

"I hope next year is just as fun. This extermination thing is the best idea I've ever had!"

Your heart starts to race. You think to yourself, are they really killing people in hell as an extermination! Then the thought of your own brother being slaughtered by the hands of Adam, it makes your blood boil.

You jump out from behind the wall and confront him "Are you seriously killing souls in Hell?! Who's letting you even do that?! It's so wrong!"

Adam looks at you with surprise and says "OH shit, you weren't supposed to hear that babe, just forget about it and pretend you never heard it".

Then he walks away but you're not about to let him get away that easily. Your own sweet brother's souls could be gone because of him. You run and tackle him to the ground. You throw in a few punches and some kicks before and his satanic angel friend pulls me off. Adam stand is up with a limp and says

"Well I gave you a chance to leave but know you've left me no choice".

A huge portal opens and try's to suck you in. You dig your nails in to the ground and try to yell for help but Adam kicks you in the head you get sucked in to the portal and all the sudden you free falling in to Hell.

You land with a throbbing head and no idea of who you are.

A Forgotten Hellish PastWhere stories live. Discover now