#19 Jonathan Toews

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"Elastic Heart"-Sia


"BLACKHAWKS WIN!" The loudspeaker booms, and I grin. The Cup is nearly mine. (y/n) and I meet up after the victory, and we decide to go and celebrate at a bar with the team. As we order various drinks, I see one of my old friends from school across the bar.

"(y/n), I'll be right back," I tell her, leaving her with Kaner and Crow. I head over to Angela to say hi, and hope (y/n) doesn't think I'm cheating. She's too good for me to let go.

*Your POV*
I wave to Johnny as he goes, striking up a conversation with Crow and Kaner. "So, how's life with Captain Serious?" The goaltender asks with a grin, and I laugh. I answer,

"Eh, he's not that bad at home. He's actually a little bit of a jokester when he's really riled up." They smirk.

"I suppose you're the cause of his craziness, hm?" Pat asks, and I laugh again.

"I guess...but I love him crazy."I take a sip of my drink, then spit it out when I see Johnny and a girl kissing. "What the fuck?" I asks myself. He looks over and sees me, pushing her away.

"Shit is about to go down," Pat mutters, taking my arm. "Let's go." I look over my shoulder as Johnny cries out,

"Wait, (y/n), come back! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!" Tears are now freely falling out of my eyes, and I shake my head. I break free of Pat's grip and sprint to the parking lot.

"He's just a dick sometimes, isn't he?" He murmurs as I sit in the passenger seat of his car, my face in my hands. I nod and sniff as he drives home; I remember that unfortunately him and Johnny share a house.

"Can-can I stay, uh, with you to-tonight?" I stutter, and Pat smiles.

"Anything for the beautiful lady." I blush as he guides me to a room. "Lay down, I'll be back in a sec with clothes for you." After a minute I hear Pat shout,

"What the hell are you doing here, Jonathan?" Oof. He never called Tazer by his full first name.

"Apologizing to my girlfriend!" Johnny yells back, and Pat laughs harshly.

"Ha, I doubt she'll want you after tonight!" I grit my teeth and stomp down the stairs, already knowing that what I'm about to do I'll regret tomorrow.

"Oh, hey guys," I say innocently, ignoring Johnny's attempts to speak and interrupting, "Sorry, but I don't listen to cheaters." His face drops as he shuts his mouth. I frown when he whispers,

"I'm sorry, I was just trying to say sorry." I laugh harshly, walking over to Pat and standing mere inches away.

"Well, I just had a dose of 'I don't care' a couple minutes ago, and you're a bit too late." Here come the regrets. I stand on my toes and kiss Pat on the mouth, knowing he's always had a thing for me. He kisses back, flipping us around and pinning me to the wall.

"Get the f**k off him!" Johnny shouts, pulling me away. I can hear the hurt in his voice as he says, "I'm taking you home. Don't argue."

"Fine," I sigh, winking at Pat as we walk out, leaving him speechless. The ride to my house is silent until Johnny finally speaks up.

"I'm sorry," he begins quietly. "She was an old friend from high school, and I was just gonna say hi when she got a little too close and forced herself on me! I swear it wasn't my fault, I was surprised but the look on your face brought me back to my senses... Please forgive me baby, I'll do anything to get your trust back!"

"Don't talk to me again." He sighs as we get out, and I follow him to the house.

"Please," Johnny begs, grabbing my hands as he closes the door. "Forgive me." I smirk,

"Make me." He returns the smile and pins me against the wall, forcing his lips to mine. I try not to give in to his tongue, but when his hands squeeze my waist I moan, giving him access. When Johnny pulls away my knees are weak and I have a small smile on my face. He asks with a grin,

"Have I convinced you that you're the only one I love?" I laugh.


"And that I'm the only one you should love?"At that I smile wider than ever.

"Almost." Johnny bites his lip, and I shiver. "Stop it," I giggle, doing the same.

"You can't turn off sexy," he murmurs in my ear, picking me up and carrying me to the bedroom for some proper convincing.

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