A Tiny Outburst

172 11 14

Sun's room was normal…
But it's never truly his room..
Though the lamp feels a bit brighter than normal..
Just in his own head..
And ringing started up again...
It was silent.
Can't we just keep it silent?!

Sun gripped his own head, feeling frustrated about that fact.
Why can't it be silent?
Why must this bother him?!
It's so stupid! Ridiculous!
Why is this even happening?!
Just from a dumb white room?!

Calm down Sun...
It won't help if you have an outburst...
At absolutely nothing...
It's just your head...
It's not real...
It's not real...
“ It's not real.. ” He sighed, still holding his head with one hand as his rays were retracted a bit.
It feels... Weird.. To get used to this....
To this madness....
To this hell hole....

How much has passed already?....
Has it been hours?... Days?
He can't know. He wished he could.
It feels weird...
Like his air is being cut?... Ignore. Ignoreignoreignoreignoreignore.
It's just your mind Sun.
Stop getting fooled by it.
Nothing's real.
And you know it.

Sun stared at the ground, before looking around his room
…What's to say…. It's his room…
It looks the same…
No eyes or anything on the walls…
Nothing in sight…
The ringing had stopped……
Humming being heard….
Sun only stood there, before randomly punching a wall-
Why even-
Sun why did you do that?
It wasn't necessary.
Why did You do it?
Do you just seek trouble?

Sun glanced at his hand, his knuckle bleeding a bit, as a smile rose on his face.. It felt so nice....
Why does it feel so nice when he hurts himself?..
But hurts so badly when Eclipse does it?....
It isn't fair.
He watched the blood drip on the floor from his hand, as he was slightly giggling to himself...
He shouldn't be.
What happened?

His door opened…
Guess it's time for another… lovely… torture session.
Sun didn't seem to notice the door opening though and was too preoccupied staring at the blood dripping from his hand. Eclipse stared at Sun for a moment, before walking over to him…

Broken Reality.. [SAMS AU] Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora